Tag, you're it!

Thanks for the tag @IronSoldier16!

  1. Cleaned up 3 pomegranates and kept them in the fridge, ready to eat!
  2. Just ate an orange
  3. it’s getting really warm here

@evowarrior5 (I hope you are doing well!) @LP13413 @lpaniist


Thanks for the tag :blush: I am doing pretty well indeed

  1. I went on a bit of a date today. There’s quite a story behind it so I will post details in the “what are you doing right now” thread
  2. Worked a bit of overtime this week and last week. I quite like doing it and it earns me a bit of extra money so that’s good!
  3. I almost never listen to music outside of work hours because I tend to be doing sound-related stuff anyways, but at the moment you tagged me I was listening to No More Sorrow because for some reason I was thinking about it, when usually I rarely think about it. So good timing :joy:

@the_termin8r @theearlywalker


@raz7 thank you for the tag :hugs:

  1. I did go to the Easter barbecue my daughter invited me yesterday to. With my mother in law, my ex husband, his girlfriend and our kids. It was really nice and relaxed.

  2. So good to talk to my mother in law (“You seperate man not mothers!” Her words back then, 8 years ago now) She is 87 years old, still activ, went shopping on her bike. “Yeah, they all would go shopping for me, but I want to do it myself! And if I get it, would it be that bad? No, I need my independence. The rest of the time, I work in my garden!” She is just one of the most extraordinary people I ever met! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

  3. My ex husband gave me back my wedding dress. :exploding_head: It’s not white, but I still can’t imagine to wear it again for something. No idea what to do with it :flushed:

I tag @LP13413 again, you haven’t responded, so some more poking :point_right:


I think I was tagged three times in the last week. Okay, I’ll play.

· My aunt drove my grandparents over to see us today. They live a half hour from here. They didn’t leave the car, they just sat in the car in the driveway, and we talked through the cracked windows. Are we back to “normal” yet?

· Yesterday, my dad voluntarily had my two youngest sisters cut his hair, and they did a fairly decent job. I’m not sure if they got paid for their services or what.

· There are currently two decent-sized spiders sitting on the ceiling above my head. One of which has been sitting in the same spot all day. I’ve been watching the other one casually make its way around the room.

Honestly, I don’t know who to tag anymore. I think there’re enough active ones, though.


Thanks for the tags, I don’t think I’ve been tagged on this thread for months!

  1. Went for my daily walk, it was colder than I expected in the wind and I think today is going to get cold so blankets out.
  2. I had some fries today :yum: noteworthy!
  3. I got my brother some nice hot chocolate brownie pots for his birthday with salted caramel ice-cream.

I tag @Lilyope @StephLP18 @hilaryfol

  1. Right now watching Mike’s stream on Twitch
  2. Just relaxing and cleaning, later going to make dinner
  3. Just taking everything day by day

@jFar920 @jrtrussell

  1. Working on my Twitch chat skin still
  2. Not wanting to go to work in about an hour
  3. Sick of the cold weather, it was nice once like 2 weeks ago and now it’s freezing again

Thanks for the tag dear friend :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

  1. My days are more busy than boring… when everyone has nothing to do my work just doesn’t end :joy:

  2. The online lectures are little frustrating. What they do is… they teach a qs and then we have to pause a video and copy it. So a video of 1 hr takes around 1½ hr. Or sometimes more. They gave a time table without considering our time to write the notes and in a day they have 3 lectures of 1’45 each means just each lecture will take 2:30 hrs and thats 7½ hrs in actual😅 but they think it’s 5.

  3. There’s lot of heat here. Covid Lockdown also extended uff. So may uff’s

I tag Oof king @jrtrussell and @Reishtany


Are your lectures just all videos? Are any of them live?

Here’s mine:

  1. Been doing online class like honey. Ours is mostly live-streamed lectures, only one prof is doing videos. It sucks that we lose the ability to collaborate which is essential for studio work. But it is dummy nice to be able to wake up 5 mins before class. I did a presentation the other day in my pajamas.

  2. Watched LEGO Masters. Absolutely awful and I knew it would be, but my parents dragged me in and eventually I got too deep that I had to watch the end. At least the best team ended up winning the pot.

  3. Also watched Avatar: The Last Airbender recently. Make fun of me if y’all want but it’s lowkey actually crazy good. Definitely enjoyed it way more than I expected.

idk who to tag


Hello everyone, thanks for the tag @Honey8

  1. Well im feeling much more alive and happier these days
  2. Online classes are :fire:
  3. Im hungry :joy:

@anngelenee and @anna834


I completely agree to that :joy:

1 Like

Thank you @Reishtany for the tag :hugs: :heart:
Didn’t respond before, had no inspiration, but now. :blush:

  1. Started writing storys after I learned to write. The now published book I actually started with 12 years. I got the old typewriter of my mother and hacked away with two fingers, till those started bleeding.

  2. With 14 I moved to my father. There, they didn’t allow me to use the typewriter anymore. I had a small room at the attic with poor insulation, so the hammering on the typewriter would echo through the whole house.
    I also couldn’t really write by hand, cause I’m left-handed and no one had showen too me, how to hold the writing hand without getting cramps with longer use. So I stopped writing besides diary. In this, I still continued my story, but just in parts. And I did still write in my thoughts.

  3. Boy, was I happy as computers came up!!! What a gift for a writing person! It brought the writing back to me!
    The hardest part of writing for me is to get started. Sometimes, there is something that just want to be told, like this now. Then it is easy, I look forward for the moment to write it down.
    But to sit down and continue a book, that’s hard. I see myself sometimes even start cleaning, just to wiggle out of it. But when I have managed the jump and dive in, it’s the best. Drowning into worlds far, far away from my own troubles. Coming to the surface after, with red cheeks and a smile, feeling totally satisfied. :blush: :blush:

I tag @Linkineli cause you inspired this :hugs:
And @IronSoldier16 love your writing :heart_eyes:


Thanks for the tag @anna834!
Your post was absolutely beautiful to read! Love that!
Wow, you started the book with 12​:open_mouth::muscle::muscle::heart_eyes:and managed to continue! I admire that!
And to 3.starting to do other things like cleaning sounds pretty familiar to me hehe…:joy::grimacing::grimacing:i do that when i have to study. All the sudden there are a lot more important things to do, that cannot be done later.

Also this part is so well described. And yeah, to dive in the creative process, wether if it’s writing, painting, or making music, is often hard. But when you made it, and you’re really into it, it’s one of the best feelings ever!


  1. I just stopped writing at a story, i wrote the first part and somehow came up with the end, but now i have to figure the part in between😬and atm i don’t have any good ideas, so i’m taking a little break(it’s not a long story anyway)
    These were the writing prompts, i took the first one:
  2. Today is a lazy day, sometimes raining, so just staying inside😊
  3. Lurking around on some websites, consider buying some clothes or new face lotions, my old ones are empty🤔
    I tag @theearlywalker and @Sybre

Thanks for the tag, @Linkineli! I see you’re a writer too! I have a tough time coming up with in-betweens, so I just take it a step at a time.

  1. I have been in the news three times. First time, it was a picture of my arm in the newspaper (I knew because my brother was the subject of the picture and I was sitting next to him at the time). Second time, I was mentioned—not by name—in the newspaper. Third time, I appeared in full view on TV and even spoke a little bit. They were all small-time headlines, though!
  2. I met Tony Hawk and even shook his hand. Then I got a selfie with him. I might get it framed.
  3. I used to be an active web comic author. I’ve made over a hundred individual comics and have appeared in other people’s comics numerous times. I still make comics once every couple of months, but the spark was at its strongest eight or so years ago. Bonus fact: my avatar is a screenshot from a comic I made this year.

I tag @evooba! I see it’s been a second since you posted on this topic!

  1. I’m tired and bored.
  2. I’ve been sleeping more than I should.
  3. I’ll eat tacos today.

@gatsie @Reishtany @acemasters @theearlywalker you’re next.


Good morning family, :sunny::sunny::sunny: Starting my day here today :blush:, thanx for tagging @linkineli & @IronSoldier16, here are my facts

  1. The last exam for my Traumatherapy certification was supposed to take part on Monday, 16.04. and they postponed it the evening before- means I was prepared on point - all for nothing and it’ll cost studys to get back there… We’re having it on Zoom on the 22.05… absolutely deja-vu feeling …!’

  2. my divorce is now soon and that means a lot of costs- so I had to do my tax declaration the last days… Finding an attorney and go there costs time- same time it’s a sigh feeling to spend time and money for this !!

  1. the rest is the life of a working mum - starts with chores every day a bit and on weekends the rest :crazy_face:… tidying the garage, bringing the lawn mower to the mechanic… driving my daughter to trial work appointments etc. and workIng with the double amount of kids at work than I usually do since one of my colleagues had to leave three weeks ago.

So this is a short summary of what eats up my time- but I don’t want to moan. I love actually to work with the kids and my life exactly how it is, but I’ve to take care with my energy and to not forget to have enough time to recharge :sunny::muscle:t2::hugs::yellow_heart:

Stay strong family :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs: and have a good Monday :sunny::sunny:

I tag @Audrina87 and @rickvanmeijel , jump in. The explanation for this game is in the OP :blush:


I hate this lockdown, its driving me insane

After B.O.T.S Meteora I may concider stopping B.O.T.S permently as it’s not drummed up as much interest

Round 9 is up now



Oh, :frowning_face: I love it. :green_heart: Enjoyed listening again and again to the songs with the purpose to make a right decision for this moment.
And I don’t think there isn’t much interest. The whole forum is quiet. For that, a lot of people are in your topic.
But I also can see, that it is a lot of work for you. :muscle: Thanks again for that! :hugs:
Strength in this challenging times! :muscle:

And thanks for the tag, I will write with time. :blush:

Oooh okay, I’ve never done this before, I had to scroll back and see the OP.

  1. I’m also an aspiring writer, you can find me on Twitter.
  2. I’m showing my age here but I once met the cast of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and James Marsters (Spike) gave me a hug. I nearly died of fright! :scream:
  3. I am a bit of a gamer, I used to play World of Warcraft but now I settle for my PS4. My favourite series of games are Dragon Age or Tomb Raider.

I’ll tag @framos1792 and @evooba methinks.


Thanks for the tag :blush:

  1. Last week my motivation and energy hit a low point, since I’ve become sick of working alone at home and seeing the world in this horrible state. This week is alright so far, and I hope people will start to act normal again asap.
  2. I’m grateful that at least the weather is still fantastic. Trying to enjoy the clear blue skies and sunshine in between working hours as much as possible.
  3. Also trying to keep up the guitar practice by myself, which is doable but not always easy. Can’t wait to take lessons again, because I eventually want to level up to electric guitar.

Tagging @lpfan61 and @AJ_7