Tag, you're it!

Thank you!! :blush: :heart: :hugs:

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Anomalia thanks for the tag

Went to hang out with my friend for the afternoon and her kids

Might go out for sushi later with my brother and his girlfriend was her birthday yesterday

Just woke up having some breakfast now

Can’t tag there’s something wrong with it

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I tag the_termin8r
Can someone tag them

Just put the @ before the name :smiley:
Anyway Rob muted this thread… :sweat_smile:


Thanks for the tag @lpfan61 :heart:! So glad to here your niece is doing fine! She’s related to a soldier after all! Also glad you are off but sorry you have to do chores! Sending strength for your long day at work. You got this!

  1. I got a nice pack of strawberries at the market!
  2. I finished the pack in like one sitting! (It’s been a wile since I got ones that are so good!
  3. I cooked mushrooms for the first time in my life today :joy::joy: (no one in my family likes mushrooms, so today I was brave enough to try them out for myself! :joy:)

EDIT: Forgot the tag. I tag @rickvanmeijel and @birdy1989


Thank you sweet dear! :blush: :heart: :hugs: :hugs:


I’m late.

  • I’m tired of reboots of TV/FILM
  • Looking forward to the new Obi-Wan/Fett shows
  • Possibly going to Germany in 6 months,crossing fingers

@acemasters @mish3lka



  1. Dark memories around my head now.

  2. I’m throwing cylinders with spheres.

  3. I’m listening to Final Masquerade. Now a bit better.

  4. Hear Chester’s voice in One More Light makes me feel calmed down.

  5. Will I be out of this hole called life?

@intheend @jFar920

  1. I’ve just woken up
  2. Going to a Giant Maze Today
  3. My Headphones Broke on me (Sad Times)


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Mushrooms are the best (for eating that is).

  1. Already heading into my final week of summer break. The clock ticks life away…
  2. Luckily, weather forecasting is looking great this week so I’ll try to enjoy most of it.
  3. I’ve been into a philosophical mood lately, partially thanks to the consciousness discussion @AJ_7 :joy:

Sending you strength @IronSoldier16.

Life isn’t a hole, the current situation might be. We’re here if you need us!

  1. It’s Sunday so it means chore day
  2. Working on a new song
  3. Looking for a new job, because the job I have right now is treating me like shit

@jrtrussell , @framos1792

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I love the way you said it. Maybe I use it in the history :thinking:. Thanks!


Thanks for the tag @AJ_7 :hugs: I will try to respond later today, everyone is welcome to remind me (I forget a lot :sweat_smile:). Have to work a little more first

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I’m back and I didn’t forget :joy:

  • school starts this week so last week was all about getting ready! Fixed my classroom and all that. It was a lot of fun to be working again! I really love my job :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
  • I have 5 tattoo 's and I want another one on my back, pretty big. But my husband doesn’t want me to do that :woman_shrugging:t3:
  • I wish I had more time to be on the forums to see how you all are doing :slightly_smiling_face: love my LP Family :heart:

I tag… @framos1792, because @anna834 loves your stories :wink: and I tag @theearlywalker :kissing_heart:


You got that right!!! :joy:
I loooooouuuuuve batmouse stories! :bat:

Not entirely. I love all your storys. But it needs batman to be so open and telling.:blush:


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Thank you for the tag dear friend! :smiley: how have you been.
its been 20 days and now i am responding XD
I reallllyyy had to plan this free day as i wasn’t getting any.
Not the entire day is free but just some hours… thats all the time i can be.

Updates from my side

  • I may be shifting soon to new home, in a month or so, depends how long we are allowed to retain this home as my dad’s transfer was 3-4 month ago. These quarters are of the govt. lets see how long till i shift again. New home is at 14th floor height. surely i will miss the current sea sight, the different colourful birds i wont get them there but its all fine its life :smile:

  • been lost from the news of the world and here too. i got my exams in november and it’s lil hard when you study without classes or much help. My bro sometimes helps clear some doubts quickly. That’s kinda good thing

  • thirrdd ? :thinking: i don’t know life’s been a big rollercoaster that isn’t ending since past 4 months. just staying strong sending and receiving love from all :heart:

Sorry for the rhymes hehe :smile:
@NickGr @rickvanmeijel


Will reply later! Gotta return to school stuff now (basically sums up my 3 points already lol)


lol :joy: see ya later. goodluck!


I’ve been good thanks! Good to hear from you :slight_smile: hope you enjoyed your somewhat free day. Remember, life is what it is. Enjoy the rollercoaster while it lasts. 14th floor? Wow, think of the landscape. Send pictures on when and where thread, people post pictures on that one :+1:


Yea… i enjoyed but in the end i was lil stressed messed obsessed and upset lol… happens many times it’s alright… :blush:
Surely I’d send pictures on the thread. A lil while till i shift so lets see.
Have a great day! :heart: