Soundwave 2013

now that final tickets have been released, does everyone here have their ticket?

Crazy that brissy sold out first, within the first few minutes. Scalpers on ebay are putting them up for $500 a pop.

I got my tickets to the Sydney show :smiley:
Definitely keen to meet up with some fellow LPUers. I reckon we all need to be up front and centre for their set!

I have a ticket. :smiley:

Curious as to when the ticket will arrive in the mail though…

brisbane anyone!!??

Everyone in Sydney needs to get a Twitter pronto and send a tweet my way. PLEASE save me from my two besties who currently hate each other on that day! I’ll give you a cookie! :3

I have mine for Melbourne and Sydney :smiley: In my confirmation email it said tickets will arrive before or during October


^ agreed!

and jono i second that! lets do this.

Would anyone be interested in pre Soundwave meet up/drinks in Sydney when the weather warms up? So when Soundwave comes we won’t be like NO THAT GUY ISN’T AARON HE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE HIS PICTURE WHERE’S AARON? -mind blank-

hahah or we don’t want to be going up to random people asking if they are Gloomy Mushroom. That’s even worse! lol

im down on that idea though if we get a reasonable amount of people interested.

hahah or we don’t want to be going up to random people asking if they are Gloomy Mushroom. That’s even worse! lol

im down on that idea though if we get a reasonable amount of people interested.

People are gonna be like WTF is a Gloomy Mushroom ?? :X

If anybody is a member of LPL, maybe post a new thread there or something? I’ll be happy to post something on LPA, for non LPUers but Soundwavers/LPers for a get together in the coming months if you want some more people to turn up :3

I’d be keen for a get together, depending on where it is. Feel free to let me know if something’s organised :slight_smile:

Pumped i bought 4 tickets to Brisbane and then managed to buy 2 more for a friends wedding present too!

Hopefully LP also playes Sideshows… maybe a small LPU only show in Bris, Syd and Melb…

How about having an LPU meet-up lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe in Sydney ?

I’d be keen for lunch or something during the day so I can travel from Newcastle

I actually live in Maitland, so if I don’t end up going to New Zealand for LP’s Auckland show on the 21st, I’ll be coming down from Newcastle way too.

Does somone know when linkin park is coming to sweden,Denmark,germany or norway! ?? Really gratefull for answers beacuse can’t find it…??? :smiley:

Hey I’m up for lunch as well, I’m coming from Lithgow so I’m happy to do either one I have pulled all nighters before up and back XD

I just checked the events and saw the Sydney concert was sold out already! I can’t believe I missed it, when did it go on sale? And will they do another show since it has already sold out?

hey, look im from brisbane and tickets to soundwave were sold out in less then 20 minutes. Missed out on tickets. Im praying that linkin park do a side tur