Sorry but I have to say how I feel About Living Things

The only problems i found with the album:

  1. Track Arrangement : Skin to Bone right after Roads Untraveled and Victimized after Castle of Glass was just a bad choice of order. But its only my opinion.
  2. First Listen Impact : Songs like Until It Breaks and Skin To Bone left little impact on me at first. Even overall, compared to all of their previous albums, the impact of this album was lesser than i expected. It was only after the second and third listens that I got blown away.

But come on dude, Mike is a good singer. Just because he was MC on their first 2-3 albums, doesn’t mean he can’t extend his repertoire. I always found it awkward when he just bobbed on stage during songs like runaway and one step closer. Now he plays keyboard for the former and guitar for the latter. There’s nothing wrong in that. Its only absurd that a fan advises/ instructs the band what to do. Linkin Park cares about their fans opinions, but doesn’t take orders from them.

Apart from that, I feel your opinion is honest and not even remotely rude, just blatantly absurd in comparing their albums and calling LT emo. If that’s the case, then my chemical romance should be classified under the “go jump off a frikkin cliff” rock music.

My biggest disappointment on LT is Mike’s voice.

You hardly hear him as an individual:( In ATS, he was rhyming, rapping doing solos.
Singing his lungs out, e.g Blackout. He’s worked on the previous albums as a producer
and he still managed to do that and Rhyme like his lungs were craving O2

“I will not dance even if the beats funky”
I miss him on LT:( he does the Chester impression Nooooooooo!


I guess you’re not a true Linkin Park fan.

Everyone has their own opinion…and mine is that I think Livings is their BEST album yet. I really enjoy listening to it.

Each to their own. I used to really dislike MTM but after hearing some of it live I can’t stop listening to the disc.