Songs by Stephanie @StephLP18

Thank you. What do you think now

Now the lyric is more “complete”, it has a begin, a chorus, a end… it’s more understandable your message of hollowness and sadness…

BTW hope you’re fine! :muscle: :hugs: :hugs:

It’s just I had a lot to deal with in my life recently and I am trying get out in a healthily manner

Oh well stay strong! everyone has its own battle to fight, just don’t let it defeat you! you can do it! :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :hugs: :sun_with_face:

Lucky most of my big troubles are gone


Happy to hear!! :muscle: :muscle: :smile: :sun_with_face: :hugs:

Now that I am doing this challenge I may need some ideas because I really want to push myself

So if YOU guys have any suggestions it would help

You’re writing so much these days, I still have to catch up with the previous ones!

My suggestion is try to write more unusual structured songs. So no verse, chorus, verse chorus style.

Okay I will try

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Save me form the dark
Because it’s tearing me apart
My heart is like a hole
Like it been stripped form my soul
I can’t find the light
Because I am stuck in a fight
That never ends
I can only Remember were it began
I am stuck in a trap
And there’s no way out
My heart is in a wrap
So here I. Sream a shout
Asking for help
Because I can’t deal with it
At least not alone
My life has taken a hit
I just want a new home
Clear the agony
Clear the pain
Take away this 100 pound stain
That’s killing me
And release it to the sea


Great songs Steph :smiley:

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Take a big bonecrusher dear :hugs:, and I feel you due to your new song - and see this as the good in the bad: you make people feel with your work - AND you’ll never be alone again- the soldiers, Charles and me- we care for you very much! Sending you strength :muscle:t2: :yellow_heart: :hugs:


working on another should be up by Monday

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Instead of taking control of my life
I let you stab my heart with a knife
Now as you smoke another bowl
You watch blood drip form my soul

I have been bleeding
With my life slowly depeating
And you just stand there beating me with your cane
My heart is locked with ten thousand chains
And you say your love for me is as deep as the ocean
But it was all a commotion
And you unwanted weight
That took my fate

I tend to dift into space
Realizing my life is a waste
So I try to rip of the label
So I could become more stable

I have been bleeding
With my life slowly depeating
And just stand there beating me with your cane
My heart is locked with ten thousand chains
And you say your love for me is as deep as the ocean
But it was all a commotion
And you unwanted weight
That took my fate

And I can’t worry if your drinking
Or if you stopped breathing
Because you can’t see the hole it’s leaving

I have been bleeding
With my life slowly depeating
And just stand there beating me with your cane
My heart is locked with ten thousand chains
And you say your love for me is as deep as the ocean
But it was all a commotion
And you unwanted weight
That took my fate

And maybe one day will learn
You caused the storm

Here’s what I have
But I think I need help with this one


I wrote something that doesn’t fit my normal stuture but I think it’s worth putting it on here

I may have never meet you or seen you in show
But your music left a story behind
You poured your heart in everything I know
And you were just loving and kind
The ideal soldier in my eyes
With a never ending heart
And helping me with my cries
And helping me with a New start
You helped me though the pain
Helped me though the hurt
And you were there for me in the rain
And you pulled me form the dirt
You were more then a singer
Because you were and still a leader
With one of the most caring souls
Helping fill the holes
And even though you have been though a ton
You always helped others find the Sun
The day you left my soul went dark
And I was falling apart
But thanks to the community you create
You helped bring Me to a better state
Even though you are no longer with us on earth
You still help us with worth
And thank you for all you gave
And for every one you saved
And may you be at rest
Because you deserve the best
And we will always be together
With a love lasting forever


I like this one sooooo much!!it’s touching and beautiful!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart: :heart: :heart: :sparkling_heart: As I said in the other thread you’re improoving your writing skills very much! :blush: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Okay what I want to do is make an adlum with my songs

I want it to have between ten and 12

Instead of making New songs I rather work on the ones I have

Something I wrote by Stephanie
Over you
Ligth of day
Can’t control me
If I stay
Still waiting
My broken mind

These are in my thread in order

Break the wall
I Need some one
Guilding Angel
Broken by despair
One with no name
With this opening line
Nigths growing longer
Days getting shorter

Dried up tears
Real me
Life on the line
Suffering heart
Save me
Then the one for chaz


Time I stop letting to the devil pull me down
Til he has get me to the ground
Time I stand I stand high
A let the evil fly
Because I am sick of felling this way
And I am sick if being told to stay
It keep me for years
But I am sick of the fear and tears
And instead of giving in to night
Time I fight
And time I stand tall
A make the call
Because I am strong enough
To do this
I don’t have to be fooled by your kiss
Because I am not alone
And with you I am stronger then the toughest bone
Now that you taking control
I can become whole
Because alone I have No power
And It was getting harder by The hour
But It was misery
Or turn my past into history
And let the pain easre itself
And release to evil in my head and mouth
And save me
And set me free

I just wrote this and I think it’s okay


For years all I was fear
Breaking down in tears
Looking for an espace
To try and left this weight

But I can’t let the past bring me down like a blouder
Because I couldn’t get any colder
But I can break this chain
And it won’t cause a strain
Now that I have a real family in my life
I can cut fear with a knife

Now for years I had my head laying on the pillow
Looking for an espace sitting under the willow
And for years tears were in my eyes
Blue as the skies

But I can’t let the past bring me down like a blouder
Because I couldn’t get any colder
But I can break this chain
And it won’t cause a strain
Now that I have a real family in my life
I can cut fear with a knife

I use to think I would be stuck in This place
And no amount of hope would easre

But I can’t let the past bring me down like a blouder
Because I couldn’t get any colder
But I can break this chain
And it won’t cause a strain
Now that I have a real family in my life
I can cut fear with a knife

Now that the table has turned
The pain I had will burn


I better leave before I cause more harm
But your fooled by my charm
And you want to come closer
But I am the destroyer

Everything I do or say causes pain
Like a never ending rain

I have to protect me form myself
Well I guess it’s better me than anyone else
I can’t keep it lock
It’s ripping though me with the strength of a rock

It’s running free
The person no one wants to see
Now I have to run head on
Before it tries to make a bond

Everything I do or say causes pain
Like a never ending rain

I have to protect me form myself
Well I guess it’s better me than anyone else
I can’t keep it lock
It’s ripping though me with the strength of a rock

Now as we run until our final match
And one of us will crash
Leaving one of us to role
And the one a unless tool

Everything I do or say causes pain
Like a never ending rain

I have to protect me form myself
Well I guess it’s better me than anyone else
I can’t keep it lock
It’s ripping though me with the strength of a rock

Now the war has been fought
Now there is only one me in thought