Rick van Meijel music projects

Thanks for tagging me! :smiley:

Empty Silence of Our Hearts - I think this is really beautiful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and probably my favourite on the album…

Final Awakening - This feels very LP Living Things and Final Fantasy in that the music almost tells its own story…

Dying Star # Total Eclipse - Yes! Some rock :metal: ! Both very natural to listen to and not at all over done (which is easily done with rock). This chilled-rock vibe is just begging for lyrics (especially TE where you can almost hear them before the end which becomes a bit synthetic).

Outside - Wow, you guys can play instruments so well!!! :grinning: Great video to showcase talent. :+1:

Blink - Is this about Blink 182??? :open_mouth: (just kidding :laughing:). Still, I need to know who the drummer is…! :drum: :metal:

Infinite Universe - Nice rift :guitar: this is soooo short :pensive:

Overall, a really impressive album and you should both feel proud of what you have achieved here. Thanks for sharing this with us all :slightly_smiling_face: :hugs:


Thanks for providing your feedback! :hugs:

Credits to @MenyaNet, that track is all him! Nothing has changed from the first demo that he sent me, because I felt there was nothing I could add to improve it.

I guess that’s because I produced most of it and LP has such a big influence on my sound. :slight_smile:

Thank you!! :blush:

No, but to be honest, I don’t remember why we called it that :joy:. I do remember we were coming up with titles and this one evolved from another title idea. Anyway, open to interpretation I guess :smile:. The drummer is @MenyaNet’s computer as far as I know haha

Thanks! We wanted to keep it a short interlude type of track, since there are already a couple of slow tempo pieces on the EP.


I’m its biggest fan :heart_eyes: :laughing: Loved listening to the album and really pleased it’s worked out so well for you both. I can really hear the LP influence which makes it all the more awesome! Oh and sorry about my large font, I didn’t realise it would do that :confused:


I didn’t even know that size was possible :joy: Thank you for all your support!

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January 20 2020: Newsletter discussion

Hey all! I tagged you today because you’re subscribed to my personal newsletter. I want to ask you what you think of my newsletter, how useful it is to you, how much you check it, any thought or opinion that comes to mind. I’m asking you because I want to know if there are ways I can improve it according to your experiences with receiving and reading it. So if you have the time, please let me know and don’t be afraid to express honest or critical remarks!


Newsletter? That’s news to me. :joy:

Though, now that you mention it, I do remember signing up for it. I don’t think I ever got any so I figured you just didn’t use the feature and it was a generic feature that was enabled by default from the site provider.


I’m receiving them for every news, so something must be wrong with @the_termin8r newsletter… :scream:

@rickvanmeijel I find them very useful, especially because now I don’t have much time to check the forum or your site,so this way I’m still updated :blush: :grin:
:thinking: For now I don’t have advices… :sweat_smile:


When isn’t there something wrong with stuff that happens to me? :joy:

Do I miss anything in not getting them, is there more in them than there is on here?


Same news as here, but in the mail Rick call me by my name for example and I feel connected with him like that… like a special link :blush:


I’m pretty sure that’s just an algorithm that inserts the username. lol

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:roll_eyes: but that’s a very nice one!! :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s not a generic feature, I implemented it myself! But that’s not a good sign. Can you try unsubscribing and then subscribing again? To see what it does

Nice to know that it keeps you in check, thanks!

@the_termin8r Same news indeed. Should there be more interest, I could use it to share exclusive content for example. And yes it’s an algorithm, but I choose whether to use it or not. I also try to write more personally than in my main posts.


@the_termin8r see!?!?! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I so like your mails Rick :heart:

Would be cool :blush:


It says the email is already in use. If I’m not missing anything, I’m not too fussed about it.


Why would I get annoyed for NOT getting duplicate info? It’s like me getting annyoed for not getting tagged here.

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Because it’s cool to stay connected and updated with Rick who’s a nice emergent artist :grin:

I read the forum posts though. Redundancy is not a substitute for more content. I’m still very much in the loop. lol

Hahah, really appreciate your comments :hugs:

So basically you couldn’t unsubscribe? What a strange program this is

That’s okay :slight_smile:


I like your emails too. Informative and impersonal. I haven’t had much time to check out anything yet, but I still like getting them. Like @lpfan61 I don’t always get a chance to go through here as much as before, so it’s really useful