Rick van Meijel music projects

Credits to @MenyaNet, it’s his track. Instrumental music usually works well with games, so I can see what you’re saying. Who knows, maybe some day :slight_smile: Thank you!

No problem, thank you!!

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You’re welcome. There is a large market for gaming music and so I’ve learnt a lot of gamer fans actually enjoy them so much they buy the music/follow the artists. A good market if you can get in.

@rickvanmeijel You’re welcome. Keep us posted when you release some YouTube videos etc?

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I will! Next Monday the tracks will be released :slight_smile: If you want, you can sign up to my newsletter on my website. That way you’ll get a personal email from me when there’s any news.

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But you give the news here and on ig anyway. Right?
I wanted to sign, but I have to open a new account for this. Not really. So. :laughing:
:hugs: :green_heart:

I really loved the tune soo much!!! :heart_eyes:And of course the new album cover is wow! @MenyaNet very artistic! You’ve grown your hobby so well it sounds really great to my ears! Goodluck :four_leaf_clover: for your upcoming projects!! And yes, keep collaborating, you both do great together :smiley:

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True, it’s just whatever way you prefer :slight_smile:
Btw @anna834: nice to see you on Instagram as well! Thanks for following me :blush:

Thanks for your compliments :blush: And I agree, I don’t think this will be our last collab

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Thank you :blush:
Till now, I don’t know how it all works there.
But I just let it flow.
Also not sure if it really will help, promoting my book. Or if it’s just one more time consuming thing.
But to get a book known, I need reader and they have to share and recommend it. Oh, probably OT.
But it’s the same for your music, I expecte. To have a good thing is not enough, you need the people to come upon it.
In your case, is it possible you go on tour together?

In my experience Instagram is a great tool to reach a wider audience, especially when using the hashtags. It’s something that you’ll get better at the more you do it. I have no experience in promoting books, but I guess the basics are the same as promoting music. You just have to be creative in the type of content that you share with your followers.

How you do mean?


Thanks :blush:

Still not really getting the whole hashtag thing.

Can you meat up for real? Go plying on a club tour together? Probably not, I guess.

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Hashtags are a way for users to find new posts. Anyone on Instagram can follow hashtags, meaning all posts that have that hashtag will appear on the user’s timeline. If you make a post with #book, then all users who follow that hashtag will receive your post.

That’s not a possibility for me at least until July. However I don’t see myself doing a club tour at all, I’m definitely not at that level yet :smile:

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January 13 2020: ‘’Millions of Simple Lights’’ (Deluxe Edition) out now!
It’s here today guys! Stream the EP below or check out all other links on my website:

Once again, special thanks to @MenyaNet for another wonderful collaboration! I hope you all enjoy :slight_smile:





Great album. Just bought my copy.


Great job on the ablum, and Congratulations on the new ablum


I just got the notification, thank you so so much man! Really appreciate that :blush:

Once again thank you Steph! Glad you enjoyed


Excellent work, dude. Once again congratulations for all you have done in all these years. Be sure you will be recognized for effort eventually.

I might buy the album and other singles. I need to check out some things before.


Thanks again man, appreciate your words :blush: I’ll definitely try to level up so to speak :smile: And thanks for considering purchasing the EP!


Listened already yesterday after my long drive and now again. :blush:
I do normally never listen to instrumentals and also have really no clue how to create music. :see_no_evil:
So not the best of critics :grimacing:
But I really enjoy it! :blush: It’s great! :tada:
Thank you very much! :hugs:

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Not having a clue about making music does not mean you cannot provide feedback! I think we have discussed this earlier already, the listener can point out things that the creator didn’t even think of. So all feedback is welcome :slight_smile: But I’m just glad you enjoyed it, thank you!!