Rick van Meijel music projects

Oh wow! Atleast somewhere i am first :joy: just last on forums

You know what, you’re all on number 1. And yes free passes for all :smile:

Thank you so much @chigokurosaki and @StephLP18! I’m glad you liked both the lyrics and the music.

Thanks again @anna834. I think you mean the high pitched keys that play in the background. Anyway, guess it’s just about personal taste in the end :slight_smile:

Mainly just changed the order right? I don’t remember you changed any words

Haha don’t worry, better late than never :blush:


@rickvanmeijel yes, the lyrics were just reorganized. I didnt write anything additional to them. That’s what made it pretty interesting that just by using certain aspects of the song in different places still work. I will get to the lyrics when I get the chance!


Yaaaaayy!! :grin: :tada: :heart_eyes: :heart:


Lol - so easy we lost our VIP status :roll_eyes:

Jk :joy::joy:

I made it finally too- and first of all a big YEAH :tada::tada::tada: finally a song with lyrics and a singer- great cool rap voice and tongue @IllWill33 - great you joined our community and big compliments for your style, rythm and pronounciation- you sound like you come straight from the Westcoast - and your voice sounds black - great cooperation again Rick @rickvanmeijel, I love that you really managed to step on again in adding a singer and you’re so straight stepping onwards- RESPECT :fist:t2:!

To the song and the arrangement: I really like the intro- this sound that an old record player starts playing a vinyl :heart_eyes: absolutely great idea- kinda like on “Part of me” it really got me from the start :heart: than this old school rap voice starting and the music got a bit in the background- love the keyboard in this part. It exactly goes fluently and gets the listener into it until the first break- about the part that follows then I am a bit splitted - I need to hear it again- maybe twice or more - so for now this is my feedback for the first part and in general on your absolutely amazing new single “Let it go“ grats to you both guys- I really like your flow - like a :ocean: wave- earworm quality again :heart: Great job once again :+1:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:


Aaargg it’s never right! :crazy_face::joy:

Glad you made it too and thank you for your feedback, respect for that too!

Exactly, it adds to the old school vibe that I tried to convey. I can see why you’re not so sure about the second half. I definitely took a more experimental turn there to surprise the listener and make the track even less predictable. Either way, thanks for the support :blush:


Love it Rick and @IllWill33 ! Very well done. The lyrics are great! So glad to hear lyrics on your music Rick! Love the start with a whisper too! Just one thing, I might be wrong, I’m not good at knowing these things, but perhaps the vocals need to be slightly louder? Not the whispering part, but some of it I felt was a bit difficult to listen to on the youtube clip, but it might just be me!

Overall very well done! Can’t wait to see what is next! And glad we all get the free passes :sunglasses::sunglasses::joy::joy:

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Thank you very much, glad to see commenting as well :grin:.

Some parts might be louder than others, so I get what you mean. When I started mixing I took the loudness of the vocals in account first, but I could’ve missed a few spots. I’d say it’s decent for a first vocal production :sweat_smile:

Sssh careful before this spreads outside of the LPU :joy:


I think it’s great for a first vocal production! It’s not easy and I think you did incredible! Well done Rick!




@theearlywalker lol never anyone tell me I sound black xD. But yes I’m glad so many of you enjoyed it. Hopefully me and Rick can pull another track at some point. Interesting how 2 minds can put a song together like that. If you havent checked out my latest compilation, “Time Machine”, please do if you get the chance (Link on my Beauty of an ever questioning mind post). Pretty excited to hear what you guys think about it also!


Thank you @AJ_7 and @theearlywalker :hugs:

There’s a first for everything :stuck_out_tongue:

This! It’s a lot of material but it’s great, as always.


Hello @rickvanmeijel lol

I loved that same old school vibe, i got like the 90s west coast so i was veeeery partial to the sound :grin:

I do totally agree with @AJ_7 about the lyrics/vocals coming through softly or well they sound slightly muffled to me… the lyrics themselves were pretty cool too it was just that they kinda mighta slightly had a back seat to the sound for me (i found myself having to concentrate on the lyric otherwise id get sucked into paying attention to the flow of the sound :sweat_smile:) loved the whispering too-thought that was pretty cool! well done by both you and will! the sound was a minor thing-totally thought it was you just showing off your skills over will’s :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: jk hehe


Hello @framos1792 :smile: Thanks for listening and your feedback! I think the loudness of the vocals is something I have to double check next time. Either way, I’m glad you enjoyed.

Lol! That was my secret intention, sorry @IllWill33 :smiling_imp: :joy:


@rickvanmeijel lol. I dont mind it’s like a struggle between lyrics and instrumental. Like @framos1792 said, hard to concentrate on either cuz the lyrics are powerful and so is the instrumental. Makes your mind overload xD.

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I listened some more to it and it could be just the loudness to the rest of the instruments and especially the non wisper rap parts. As others said.
But as you can see, I’m really into this song and what you two have done. :hugs:

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That’s the thing, it shouldn’t be a struggle. Vocals should always be easily hearable, except when it’s an intentional feature of the song of course.

Okay, thanks for the feedback. Glad you like it nonetheless :hugs:


It’s just minor parts when you listen to it again and again. Of course you have to remember this was your first song with vocal production, so I think you can just amp up the vocals a bit in those parts that sound low and it should sound better.


Premiere of the lyric video happening right now :smiley::tada:

Embedding doesn’t work with premieres apparently, will fix this after the premiere!


Thank youuuu :tada::blush::love_you_gesture:t2:

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