Rick van Meijel music projects

Howdie @rickvanmeijel how is your music project going? And your thesis? Hope everything is going good? :crossed_fingers:t2::pray:t2::sunny::muscle:t2:

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Hey thanks for checking in! Due to the thesis, I’ve had the EP project sort of on hold. Just a bit of producing here and there during the weekends, but I haven’t made much progress. Planning to continue in July though, when the thesis is finally done :tired_face:. Hope that you’re doing fine!


Sending strength to you!! :muscle::muscle::shamrock::shamrock: Goodluck! Hooe u get free time soon!


Thank you Honey! This week should be the last :sweat_smile:

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Hey, how did it go?
You have to be on the other side by now!
.:hugs: :green_heart:

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Haha I am!! :hugs: It went great actually, see my post below:


July 6 2020: What I’m Listening To #2
Time for number two, which goes all over the place musically speaking. Enjoy reading and/or listening :slightly_smiling_face:



@HakManLP :grin:

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Oh, great :partying_face:
And I have Spotify three months special now.
Still have to wait 3 weeks :grimacing:, till I’m home from work and can download it. Right now, my data isn’t enough. But looking forward :notes:
Thank you! :hugs:

Interesting to read your reflections on Meteora. I always feel like Leo Davidson landing on the planet of the apes when people tell me they think albums like MTM or ATS are Linkin Park’s best work. It seems outrageous to even think this, let alone say it aloud! I figure I must be hearing something they don’t. Hybrid Theory and Meteora are miles ahead creatively and passionately. Most importantly, as I often try to explain, at the time they were released they were exceptionally unique and stunning in every way imaginable. It was rock as nobody had appreciated before. I’ve never heard anything as great as HT or M since they were released. And we probably never will again.

Adele is extremely talented and what an amazing songwriter. Don’t forget she wrote these songs at such a young age. Hometown Glory is a song I would recommend if you haven’t heard it yet.

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Wasn’t expecting to get a shoutout lol. Cheers.

Nice that you managed to download it! Enjoy :partying_face:

Then I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I think ATS is their best album too :joy: Compared to Meteora for example, ATS seems more timeless to me and it’s amazing how the album tells a story. I never experienced the release of Meteora, since I was too young then. When ATS released I was actually getting into music, so I think age plays a big role in these things.

She definitely is, but I don’t think she wrote all these songs on her own. Many songwriters and producers are credited for contributing to her work. Hometown Glory is pretty nice, but not my favorite. 21 beats the other albums for me.

Glad you caught that :wink: cheers!

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Yes definitely age is a factor. I don’t believe ATS is timeless however as it’s very unlikely to be noted as a historically significant album, whereas Hybrid Theory will always be remembered because it was groundbreaking.

I’d say the huge sales of HT made it a more significant album, since it’s one of the best selling albums of the century, right?

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Hybrid Theory sales: WW: 30,000,000. US: 10,500,000

ATS sales: US: 906,000 (can’t find WW figures but it won’t beat HT).

Hybrid Theory is about 47 on the 50 best selling albums worldwide. I doubt ATS will ever appear in this list, or even top 200 of the list.


Update: Someone on LPA reckons these are the worldwide sales of all albums pre-OML:


(2000) HYBRID THEORY: 20,000,000

(2003) METEORA: 13,100,000

(2007) MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT: 7,900,000

(2010) A THOUSAND SUNS: 2,800,000

(2012) LIVING THINGS: 2,400,000

(2014) THE HUNTING PARTY: 1,300,000

That’s awesome. Didn’t know it performed that well!

Interesting to see the huge drop in sales after MTM, but I guess that also due to the rise of digital music platforms.

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Hybrid Theory is one of the best selling albums ever made, hence why I try to explain it is the best LP album ever made. Fans don’t seem to understand the difference between “favourite” and “best”. You can love your favourite sports team but that doesn’t make them the best. Best is judged by the level of success.

True, although I would expect these figures include digital purchases too. If you loved an album you would still buy the download (they cost about the same as a CD?). In the 00’s everyone seemed to pirate downloads too. It was the most exciting thing for teens to download stuff they couldn’t afford :laughing: I would hope security is slightly better now, but I don’t know.

Well I’d say there’re more factors that play a role than just commercial success, but I get your point.

It’s not :wink::joy:

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I listened to your What I’m Listening To #2
The first song I didn’t like, so I was a little weary to continue. I think, the opening song for a mix tape (yeah, I’m that old :laughing:) is pritty important and leads into the mix.
But so I was surprised that I really enjoyed the whole rest of it. :blush:
Thank you for sharing :hugs:

Does this include Live At The Royal Albert Hall?
I have 21, but actually never listen to it, also not to the other album.
But the Royal Albert Hall concert album I concider as one of my favourite live shows at all. Had times were I listened to it non stop.
And loved watching the DVD.

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Thanks for taking the time Anna! I agree that the opening song is important, that’s why I chose that Stereo Honey song which I like very much. But musical tastes differ right :grin:

Haven’t listened to this one, didn’t even know about it to be honest. I rarely take live albums into account, I was just talking about the studio albums.

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