Rest in peace Chester

it still hurts so bad. every morning when i wake up and realise that it’s still true… I just can’t believe this happened :frowning: i hope he found peace wherever he is now <3

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thanks! I didn’t know where to post or what title to give it I just wanted to express my emotions… but now I know
lots of love

I love this sooo much. :heart:

so sad to hear about your past! stay strong! keep fighting!

This was my post on Facebook that I put on the night I found out about Chester.

I remember the first time I listened to Linkin Park. I was in love with everything: the lyrics, the meaning, the music, the singing. Everything was in order. I became a fan at a young age, listening to their albums and loving their music. It helped me through a lot. And when I mean a lot, it would be several pages full of stuff no family would ever want to go through.

However in 2012, when the band’s fifth album came out, I wanted to find out more. More about the making of the album, more about the band members. It was when I learned their names but one got my mind. Chester Bennington. I saw his past and felt sorry for the guy but afterwards, I was a step up in the Linkin Park fan base. So I brought the LPU and got the demos. I would admit, I did go a little obsessed on the band for a few years and now I’m in a stable state. (Hahahaha).

Skip forward to this year, I saw Linkin Park at Birmingham and I was blown away by this. I would like to say thank you to Brett Spiers and Babs Spiers (my parents) for making this dream come true. But now I have got to say something.

Today at half 8(ish), my parents found a distressing post on Facebook and didn’t know what to say to me. I saw their faces and I knew something was up, bad style. But I did not expect this. They showed me the post through Billboard and tried to ignore it. Therefore I went on Mike Shinoda’s Twitter and found the tweet. It was true. Chester Bennington has died.

Anyone who has listened to Linkin Park would know Chester’s voice as being one of a kind. His voice, angelic but also demonic was known throughout the world and helped others through their painful part of their lives, ours included. So all we can say is :



Today I “Stumbled” upon an interview Chester did,(not really stumbled,it just was there on youtube since looking up his name is what I do)he was speaking about what was going on in his head and why he wrote “Heavy” the way he did.
And things kind of clicked with me,I have been feeling the same way quite a long time now,I just couldn’t put it into words.
My mind is a mess,now more than even,and unless there’s anything to mindlessly watch,listen to or do,I am completely lost,I don’t know know who I really am or what do I want but it surely leads to no good thoughts.
I always look for a place to escape,instead of facing myself and solving and answering my own questions about myself.

Well I guess it’s time I did that,Now my point is,Thank you Chester for being there for me and teaching me the final lesson even after your death,you are missed,and will always be missed.

But it is too early for me to join you,I have to find my own ambitions and do my best to reach it.

Rest in Peace Chester,We all love you.

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Don’t worry, I’ve also been to many funerals in my life. The most was during Summer/Autumn 2012, where there were 5 funerals. At that point we were wondering whether end of the world 2012 would happen (remember the movie?)

Is there a video on yt? i would like to see it :confused:

Feeling sorry for you @samuel_the_leader .

New instructions from Mike!


I’ll try hunt for it. Someone made a transcript for it for sure.

ok thank you…i will try too



I wish everyone in the world could see this right now.


That was beautiful, thank you for sharing :heart:

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I made a point of listening to the new album today and apart from realising it’s actually pretty good I wonder if surreptitiously Chester was planning this ? Many of the lyrics were very dark including stuff like 'if only I could let go I’d be set free ’

He must have been in a terrible.head space lately

YES!! This is what I’ve been saying all along! I HATE that so many people have been trying to use the real “In The End” lyrics to memorial Chester, but it’s really negative. I hate the way it sounds in regards to what he’s done for us here on earth. “In the end, it DOES matter!!”


I am currently studying to be a substance abuse counselor and in suicide prevention. This has shaken my faith in everything I am working so hard to be. At the same time I want to work hard to hopefully save people like Chester, even if it’s just one. One is better than none and one can make a big difference in somebody’s life


Oi. You’re doing good work and will go on to do even greater work! You never hear about the lives people like you SAVE. Its only the lives LOST that make the news. Don’t be disheartened. People will owe their life to you in future. Be strong for Chaz


Yes! You have no idea how many people I personally know that are near and dear to me that have been helped by people like you! Keep at it! Psychology is VERY important. :heart:

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will never ever forget you :sleepy::heart: I honestly feel like I’ve lost apart of me :sleepy: