Rest in peace Chester




Before I forget, no… I meant humanity being too stupid to wake up and realizing we cause the problems we face
Again overpopulation, pollution, deforestation,
We go in and ransack the place like mercenaries then move along :upside_down_face:
Then we turn our attention to things that don’t matter anymore vs actually progressing


Amen brotha :open_hands:

Lyrically, they are not so dissimilar. I get THP was LP off the leash whereas LT was more reserved, but their nature was pure LP essence throughout. It isn’t just about the music, it is the honesty of the creation.

My biggest regret is they never got Amy Lee from Evanescence to do a song with them!!! :sob: why!!!

I feel and believe his involvement was minimal. I sadly believe he was already disconnected at this point. He wrote very little on the album, which says a lot.

Uh oh… Friendship over? :hushed: :astonished: :anguished:


No no… friendship saved:

Here :pleading_face: amyyyyyy

As for LP
I still feel sometimes people focus in on the aspect they liked most instead of realizing they’re multifaceted

I’d love to meet anyone who’s favourite album from the whole LP catalogue is OML? I’d love to meet them and then just stare at them in disbelief… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: LP were popular because their lyrics actually meant something and you could hear their unique sound from a mere ten second intro. I barely recognise much of OML. I like the album, but it isn’t justifiably LP. It just isn’t! I’m not 100% rock either, but I am 1000% into the hybrid theory.

Well, they’re no Linkin Park? :roll_eyes:

Anyone anyone?? :thinking: I’m sure some 16year old chick will say so :joy:

Half the equation

Neither is blink but :partying_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I agree. Energy can be used to solve actual world problems, not what we can no longer change.

Phew! I have enough enemies on this forum already :joy:

Just find me one person… One! :laughing:

Oh, I love their album, but I’d always call them crap in comparison to LP. Crappy punk rock since 1992. Can you imagine if LP and Blink actually did the tours together - with Nine and whatever LP would be doing right now? Oh man :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :drooling_face: haha

They are as much musicians as anyone in LP and I’d say tyler is more musically skilled than even mike. They are out here producing poetry. As far from mainstream music as it gets. After they went mainstream with Blurryface they chose to continue making their own music rather than selling out like most people thought they would. And I got mad respect for them for that :fist: I’d suggest just trying out some of their earlier stuff. It may not be your style and I get that but don’t let Stressed Out define them. That’s honestly their worst song in my opinion.

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Oh my gosh, I stopped reading after this line :roll_eyes:

In all honesty I don’t have a strong opinion on them. I just do not believe they are in the same league as LP let alone anything more. I’m willing to give them a try…


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You’re missing out then :man_shrugging: I’ll love LP forever but, being real with y’all, they’ve regressed since MTM in my opinion and there is better bands out there. I actually found twenty one pilots from linkin park fans. There is a lot of overlap because their music is pretty similar.

You don’t have to like them. Just don’t use them as an example of bad music or I’ll have to pull up again

This is me right there :grimacing:

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I’m heated chief

Fair enough. It’s probably my taste, I tend to circle the same bands and rarely find any music that’s better.

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No no! Don’t acquiesce! He’s like me, just causing chaos for chaos’ sake
Granted, I do agree with him on 21p being badass
If they play their cards right we’ll be on 21 trench underground in 10 years :crazy_face:

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:roll_eyes: 1) I’ll use what I like. 2) They are widely quoted as being a threat to LP with fans crossing over because they can’t be bothered to wait years for albums anymore. Sadly, they feed the downfall of exceptional music like LP. Congratulations.

That ain’t it chief.

I was trying to be fair. Someone obviously loves that freakin band. But I wouldn’t classify them as good as LP. Maybe I’ll change my mind… when I finally lose it from being on this forum. I blame you for all of this! :laughing: