Rest area on route 2020

Sooooo… hadnt been on in a while and was wondering how to reach out and see how people have been doing… actually been remembering quite a few people from when i joined and whatnot

thought itd be appropriate to set up a topic to tag people to death until their email notifs irritate them enough (cough cough @stormyhotwolf88 hehe) to come in and stop by on this pit stop during their travels :crazy_face:

i know we have the WAYDRN thread for regulars and would be happy to see regs pop in and say whats up and chat with old friends, tag people from when y’all joined too!

for the taggees, whats up?! where y’all been? hows this insane year treating you guys? any big changes in life? what bands are yall into during this LP hiatus?

hope y’all check in!

@Woco21 (whats up with the projects bro?)



@annejprado!!! MY COUSIIIIIIIIN!!!

ill add to the list as i remember

Hey, great idea! :partying_face:

@birdy1989 come on, pop in :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@kimims2010 I know, I could have checked in too :grimacing: sorry, things fall over sometimes. :see_no_evil: but I do think of you :hugs: :green_heart:

@gabridc98 even so, it’s a little pressuring :smiling_imp: I really miss you :hugs: :point_right: :black_heart: :point_left: :hugs:

And don’t get me started on you @anomalia :triumph: I get, just coming back for the annoying one is definitely too much honour. But come on! At least some anomalia stand :pleading_face:

Oh, and @Fravaco :unamused: time to get your butt back in here :triumph: amuse us with your whining :laughing:

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@ashesoftime (come say hi on here too miss potato :stuck_out_tongue:)
ohhhh dangggggg!.. @mish3lka!! hows the little(?) soldier Laura doing?! :heart_eyes: :rofl:

as im writing these…i realize… :thinking: this could be construed as creepy AF :rofl: :sweat_smile: my bad… good intentions :crazy_face:


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As I was saying the other day in the WAYDRN thread, I’m getting close to my third tat, and I just designed a draft of it in Paint:


I’m still contemplating whether I can incorporate Mike’s name or initials into it in a fluid way… or maybe 21/3, the date of the PT concert in Amsterdam…

Any opinions? :thinking:

EDIT: for reference, this is where it’s gonna go, just below my right elbow and opposite the other skull I currently have ~



ouhhhh, curious what the xs are for?
incorporating the signature or date would prolly have to be adjacent to it no? unless there was a bit of extra design encompassing it… not sure how many needlepricks you wanna prolong it to :crazy_face: lol

love the skull itself tho :call_me_hand:t4:

The Xs are like the logo of Amsterdam, it was the most aesthetic and elegant way I could think of to combine Mike and Amsterdam :blush:


I actually thought of it the day after the concert when I was in the train and discussing potential tattoo ideas with @evooba


oooooooh! had no clue y’all had a logo! thats pretty cool! in that case i’d def try to add in the date of the PT tour!

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New Blink album expected this Autumn. If you’re still here we’ll discuss then.

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Is you mad? :flushed:
Cool tho!!! Already excited for it!! :grin:

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Do you mean my sanity because you don’t believe there’s a new Blink album?


Lol nah the zaniness was never in question

More like tone :stuck_out_tongue:
I already saw one mad chick cuz I hadn’t replied :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::joy::rofl: @lplove :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Damn @framos1792, do you want this website to crash? There might be a flood of people incoming now :joy:


That’s precisely the plan :smiling_imp::joy::joy::joy:
Jk nah I mean…idk
I can bet you almost no one will show up sadly but if a handful of people do it’d be awesome
Start tagging away! Help :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Yeah true, it’s honestly a great idea.

I don’t think I know many others, apart from the ones you already tagged or people who are still here today.

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Nice One Piece tat.

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Huh? :flushed:
Keep reading :stuck_out_tongue:

Anime talk :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not anime tho dork