Rest area on route 2020

Bro :man_facepalming:t2: it’s straight anime

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OH!! lmao! No! Dude! No! This doesn’t count! He edited it! He hadn’t taken picture of his forearms when I seen it! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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No no no yeah I mean once I seen it I got it :joy: :man_in_manual_wheelchair:

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Lmao :rofl:

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Well that was quite a ride :joy:

And thanks @chigokurosaki!

I’ve been getting soo many tattoo ideas lately it’s getting insane. At this point I’ve started noting them down in a file. Trying to take it easy and not do them too fast, and make sure I think properly on each one of them before doing it. Mike tat is soon, the others I don’t know yet when I will get what… I’ll figure it out in time ~

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:flushed: full sleeves of anime/LP?

Kinda! I am going for like a theme across the arms; though I don’t have them all planned to the brim yet or anything, an example I have is, I’m thinking of getting the Chester flames on my right arm, which would start by surrounding my tattoo of the LP logo on my wrist and work its way down. Then on the underside of my arm I’ll put a quote from a song that starts in between the flames and will stop before the Mike tattoo. Then on the outer side of my arm (opposite the Mike tattoo) I’m thinking of putting a tattoo from Three Days Grace’s One X album cover. So that’s not LP anymore but still music X3


You’re speaking chigo’s language for sure tho hehe
I can appreciate all the thought you’re putting into it for sure though! Sounds pretty dang clean!

You deserved it. :rage::triumph:


I deserve nothing but sweetness :triumph:

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Didn’t I email you already to check you weren’t dead? Haha. My tone is always a little off. I don’t have much to say these days. People don’t talk about music enough here and some just plain don’t like what I say. Besides, you didn’t tag me on this thread, but still wanted to add some Blink news that might make 2020 a little less shitty.

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That’s what it was? :flushed::joy:
That was my initial point lol, that I stopped replying :sweat_smile:

It’d be pretty dead if that’s all we could do
At some point it gets tired out
It’s why there’s so much randomness
Randomness and chaos encourages inclusion

You’re a regular imo :expressionless:

Ngl, I can see you making quite the impression everywhere :rofl:
Look, we’re all hardwired diff… I’ll say it as it is at the risk of being called out like poor rob did over in that other thread lmao but each of us has our downfalls and I think when you give your opinion on something sometimes it can be uhh… deadset? There’s a lot of conviction in what you say and sometimes the way in which you approach your responses makes them seem volatile to some particularly if their own things make them more responsive to criticism

Just chill and take things calmly, we’re a fam and are free to disagree and dislike parts of one another but we all here for same underlying reasons
Don’t take offense with people and don’t offend intentionally or unintentionally
Make peace and work consciously for more zen vibes in here :stuck_out_tongue:

2020 has been off the hook :thinking:
You can’t say it’s been boring at the very least :sweat_smile:
Heroes and villains are at least remembered in history :crazy_face:

I don’t take any offense, especially not over something like music taste. I think people are insanely sensitive about their “favourites”. Don’t you remember the 21p feud? I hear one of those dudes was a twat on Twitter recently. Nothing can be held in perfect condition, so don’t be offended by some occasional criticism. There are younger people on other forums with more tolerance and understanding. It’s embarrassing to be here sometimes. If you can’t discuss things honestly what’s the point?

How DARE you?! It’s TOP! Lol :rofl:

And this is what I mean :joy:

If the kids handle better then maybe that’s a more appropriate setting
Shame, but happens

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Yep, sometimes the kids grow up but the adults don’t.

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Therein lies society’s problems :stuck_out_tongue:

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I guess I’m the most obedient among the people you’ve mentioned. It’s been a month since I wrote anything in here so I decided to say hi (and now :bat: will think that it’s because of him :rofl:).

You have no idea how disappointed everybody was when you ignored our tags for long months :angry:


ANOMALÍA!!! @anomalia!!! :heart_eyes::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I didn’t even get to say goodbye if you weren’t coming back! That was the issue :triumph:

Just in case, goodbye! :smile: ok I’m good :blush: lol

Jk great to see you! How’ve you been?
And noooo, as I repeatedly say, I’m the most humble superhero philanthropist rich guy in gotham :roll_eyes:
You just came back 3 days after the harvest moon as the prophets predicted :face_with_monocle:

:flushed: everyone being angry at me, sheesh :roll_eyes: guy can’t leave for a pack of smokes to the gas station for 4 months and come back to a peaceful home :roll_eyes:

I got sucked into another realm like ant man and to me it was just 4 minutes :innocent: