Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

Even though I don’t drink it…


Orange juice is supposed to be orange, isn’t it?

Maybe it’s just me.


Then again, maybe not.


The orange juice they’re keeping (I don’t know why) in the refrigerator in the high school faculty room. Maybe it’s some sort of experiment.

My high school ecology teacher had a twinkie in his classroom he was experimenting with from NINETEEN EIGHTY EIGHT - also the year I was born.

Would you believe that he still has it?


There used to be a note on it that said, and I quote, This twinkie will last at least 17 years! Let’s have a snack in 2005.


For the first sight I’ve throught this is an antifreeze bottle :joy::joy:

There was somebody else in the room one night when I pulled it out. He thought it was apple cider. And he wanted some.

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I had to work a long day yesterday, and one of the events that took place was held in our auditorium, which tickets were sold for.

Cleaning up after the event, some ticket stubs were left behind, and on the back of each ticket was a coupon for one of our local flower shops.



That’s the same with me. Around 30 minutes from where I live is a city called Chester and around 10 minutes away is a cafe called “Chester’s Cafe”


Where do you live because I want to go there

In the northwest of the U.K. A town called Runcorn

Did some research today and found a couple of record stores that will have the OMLL vinyl available on the day but will unfortunately take online orders after April 28th. Both had it up for 30 quid. I did find it on 2 Amazon stores for about 50 quid. I’m going to try my luck and wait till the day and see if I can order it and find it in a decent price. I hope I can manage to get it.

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I don’t know how you stumbled across this post @IronSoldier16, but in retrospect it hurts to read

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I was reading the old post and… It was hard to read… It was not my intention…

Sometimes, weekends just aren’t long enough.

I’m not blaming you, I’m sure I would have come across it myself eventually, just is unfortunate how things change like that

@jFar920 and @IronSoldier16 the intention of the game is to choose between two hard choices. This basically shows how much you love both of them, because that’s what makes it a hard choice. Don’t feel bad about it. There was no way you could predict this.


I know, I was in other world yesterday and I didn’t think about what that like could mean. So I’m sorry again. Can we move this on?

I’m going to a baseball game this friday (4/20) and I realized that it will be 9 months that day…

See what I found on my mail today! :open_mouth:


I want the jacket but, that price…
Maybe I’ll get the hat.

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Yeah, the price… :sweat_smile: :see_no_evil:

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this is Busch Stadium; I’ll be here later for a baseball game! :grin:

here are a few pics from the St. Louis Cardinals game I went to last night! We won!