??? right now got a lookat cake day category, cs I wondered, I remember his birthday not to far ago… you got me Andy! or is he the reborn one? nice gag btw !
So now the birthday wishes go the other way yup.
I fucking hate politics.
the are announcing him already here puke!
It’s sad news to wake up to. I hope for all our sake the results will change.
yes… this is a very bad awakening, and the worse: money and power are ruling the humans ! pray for the change guys!
The other side isn’t that good either. ever heard of the Clinton Foundation’s Pay to Play?
And I don’t know what BS is this:
yes Sam, every human has two sides as we both knew too well but today it feels like d-day and 9/11 in one!!! :worry:
the hardest fall is the unexpected one…
Lol everybody Handles this diverse - but this sympathetic Way!
I’m in a mixed bag of emotions on a variety of topics over what the next four years has to offer in a Donald Trump presidency.
What the heck is wrong with the people?Even if he’s scum,you should never animate people or suggest to hurt them with intent.
so, what do you guys think of it? i like that idea
We already have a food thread though.