Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

??? right now got a lookat cake day category, cs I wondered, I remember his birthday not to far ago… you got me Andy! or is he the reborn one? :joy:nice gag btw ! :smiley:

So now the birthday wishes go the other way yup.


I fucking hate politics.


:scream: the are announcing him already here puke!

It’s sad news to wake up to. I hope for all our sake the results will change.

yes… this is a very bad awakening, and the worse: money and power are ruling the humans ! pray for the change guys!

The other side isn’t that good either. ever heard of the Clinton Foundation’s Pay to Play?


And I don’t know what BS is this:


yes Sam, every human has two sides as we both knew too well :stuck_out_tongue: but today it feels like d-day and 9/11 in one!!! :worry:

If only, but no:

They were so sure that they published some limited copies, but no.

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the hardest fall is the unexpected one…

Orange hair vs blonde hair (what my crazy father bought):

Lol :smile: everybody Handles this diverse - but this sympathetic Way!


I’m in a mixed bag of emotions on a variety of topics over what the next four years has to offer in a Donald Trump presidency.




What the heck is wrong with the people?Even if he’s scum,you should never animate people or suggest to hurt them with intent.

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so, what do you guys think of it? i like that idea

We already have a food thread though.

well, @theearlywalker meant a recipes thread