Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

My concert is in less than two weeks, and I’ve been very inactive on here. I feel bad

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You can finally tell who is and isn’t part of the LPU

August… My birthday month.

ot @TripleXero Hi nice to meet you here, forgot my invitation(s)
sorry guys, wasn´t able till now to read all the 2000 posts, but what´s the theme up here?

Big or small, lies are lies.

and in other news…the new OM&M song is stuck in my head.

also…“gravity” by papa roach is gorgeous.

also…this is what happens when i haven’t been here in a while. woot?

Double post, but thought this might be interesting to someone. Made some edits to the forum layout for fun, and I thought they looked pretty good.

Wow, you´re very able in computring
Q: looks good, what does the red line left shows? And what´ve you written in the sec. line of the topics?
I think there should be the possibility at the Forum side to see, who else is in the forum same time with me, and a “I invite you to tiny chat”, maybe you can integrate these ideas, I´m not really really able to “produce” my own edition, :yum:

The red line shows that there’s either a new post or it’s a new topic, since I check most of the new messages on each thread I didn’t really need to make them look different. As for seeing who’s on at the same time, it’s not possible, at least by me, Discourse might be able to do that.

I’d be cool if I could add a message button or invite button, but the problem there is that people’s username’s don’t match their profile URL. For example, your username is The_early_walker, but your messaging URL is http://linkinpark.com/account/mail/new/6KAc3dwk . Also, I think LPU chat is broken right now or something, it won’t load for me

I forgot to mention it here, but I took the summer off from the LPU and Facebook. But guess who’s back.


You have did it jet on your own and it works? It´s your “personal” surface of the LPU, you´re using right now and it is working for you? Or just a screenshot, which you paint on? So if I got it right, virtually I´ve a double id on the LP/LPU?

you were someone, I realized really fast as joined in, so, welcome back, hope you´ve had a nice summer out of the line…

They’re all just images I made to look like official buttons, I could probably make a post showing others how to do it

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very talented, I´m a 0 in that stuff, even if I get it explained

Guess who’s got the rubber gloves and the bleach.

I’m a happy kitty meow <3

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Don’t you see their bodies burning? Desolate and full of yearning…

try the ketchup mf