Random Poll Thread

Simple, I don’t. :joy:

The Spotify app is broken AF, I have a higher chance of getting my left testicle bitten off by an angry potato with 7 eyes than getting it to work. I stick with my MP3s on my phone as well. I find my new music through random YT suggestions most of the time.


I mostly use YouTube, and some music I have downloaded on my phone

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Same. Found most of my music through YouTube auto play.



And same. I have a list of artists I want to check out and I update that list every once in a while when I come across nice songs or recommendations. I don’t keep up with every new release, it’d drive me mad


I listen with my ears


Sorry but I don’t go to festivals only concerts… but I hear great things about Coachella
Wish I could help…

Never been to a fest but RAR 04 looked like a riot.

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I’ve never been to any of these, but can I vote based on what I’ve seen online?

Sorry, I don’t go to festivals.

I don’t go festivals too, but for what I’ve seen I’d go to those I picked up.

Looks like if we all are not really into festivals… only one I’ve attended was RAR- camping in a puddle of mud and ravioli from a can… cold… was really :yum: back then - and honestly more I can’t really remember…

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Ok, I was not clear enough apparently. I just wanted you guys to vote purely out of what you like. Doesn’t matter if you don’t go to festivals or whatever, I bet all of you have seen at least one YT video of someone performing at one of these. Never mind.

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Now this shows i don’t listen to anything :woman_facepalming: uf me.

Can you touch-type? (Type without looking at the keyboard)

  • Yes
  • For the most part
  • Kind of
  • No

0 voters

Do you stick to the home row when you type?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

What’s home row?


As I have learned it, it’s the 8 midlle keys(4 on the left, 4 on the right) of the keyboard. Here in Belgium we use AZERTY so that would be: on the left “sdfg” and on the right “hjkl”


Depends. On the phone, not so much.
Laptop, sure.

The middle row of your keyboard. Where your index fingers rest on F and J (hence the little nubs) and the rest of your fingers remain in the keys next on the keys next to them.

Oh, I thought switching between English or german keyboard.

Don’t no what to answer, still, I write with just two fingers.

Your pinkies :joy::joy::joy: