Portraits of a Masked Mind

“Alma rosa” is so beautiful…it’s very nice what you wrote… :heartpulse:

“White” has a deep meaning and I like this story very much…it’s one of my favourite… :blush:

This… :heartpulse:


In New Era this one is my favorite and the most meaningful part is when he smiles, I imagine a smile like the Chester’s.

And TBH this history was born like a homework for the U jaja I am Raúl because that day I just brought a blank sheet jaja

Did you already reply to Raúl his question?


Really?so you have much fantasy… very nice! :smile:

Uumm… :thinking: what I see on a blank sheet… :thinking:
I see a black prancing horse strong and fearless… something like that… :muscle: :see_no_evil:

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Ahh I’d call it be crazy jajaja Being serious that’s what it happens when I write, everything is a product of the spontaneity.

What a beautiful look! I’ve already said what I see in the sheet.


He was just standing there, waiting for something to happen, and it happened: He died in the sea of oblivion and profound silence.

Parks, birds, a hole … A grave: Empty.

I had a dream. I woke up and I was still in it.

Be born. Live. Ignore. To know. Recognize. Create. Standing out. Get older. Die.

There was a noise. Then I was born.

Simplemente estaba ahí parado, esperando a que algo pasara, y pasó: Murió en el mar del olvido y del silencio profundo.

Parques, pájaros, un hoyo… Una tumba: Vacía.

Tuve un sueño. Desperté y seguía en él.

Nacer. Vivir. Ignorar. Saber. Reconocer. Crear. Sobresalir. Envejecer. Morir.

Hubo un ruido. Entonces nací.

  • This the reazon for what I said that I wasn’t gonna create a new topic for each history that I’ve written.
  • New Era has a strong influence of Augusto Monterroso.
  • Those micro-stories are tries to created something like “El Dinosaurio” (The Dinosaur) considered as the most short story.

I want to say hi.
I want to say what I feel,
I want to say what I think,
I want to say what I believe,
I want to say what I want.

I want to live,
I want to grow,
I want to be happy,
I want to continue being a child,
I want to educate,
I want to learn,
I want to meet,
I want to know,
I want to have that strength.
I want to smile,
I want to want.

I want to talk to you,
I want to see you,
I want to meet you,
I want to hug you,
I want to stop hating you,
I want to forgive you,
I want to love you.

I want a friend
I want a sincere affection.
I want a pleasant memory.
I want to be sad,
I want to be happy,
I want to leave,
I want to stay,
I want to be present,
I want to disappear,
I want to shut up,
I want to talk,
I want to love,
I want to want.

Quiero decir hola.
Quiero decir lo que siento,
Quiero decir lo que pienso,
Quiero decir lo que creo,
Quiero decir lo que quiero.

Quiero vivir,
Quiero crecer,
Quiero ser feliz,
Quiero seguir siendo niño,
Quiero educar,
Quiero aprender,
Quiero conocer,
Quiero saber,
Quiero tener esa fuerza.
Quiero sonreír,
Quiero querer.

Quiero hablarte,
Quiero verte,
Quiero conocerte,
Quiero abrazarte,
Quiero dejar de odiarte,
Quiero perdonarte,
Quiero quererte.

Quiero un amigo.
Quiero un cariño sincero.
Quiero un grato recuerdo.
Quiero estar triste,
Quiero estar feliz,
Quiero irme,
Quiero quedarme,
Quiero estar presente,
Quiero desaparecer,
Quiero callar,
Quiero hablar,
Quiero amar,
Quiero querer.

  • I decided to publish New Era today because I want to focus on the other thread (Spanish’s one.) Until the next month I come to this thread. I hope you like my work.

“Micro stories” has very deep thoughts… (I know I say this word too much in here, but can’t find another suitable adjective… :sweat_smile: ).
“I want”: I like it so much! You wrote all true things and every person should want the same… :smile:


I see two persons… the first has no mouth and the second has no eyes… they are looking face to face… it’s how my mind is now… and I’m going to put this image on a drAwing :thinking::thinking:


New Era doesn’t have deep thoughts as Experiments. But have some oxymorons, my very first poem based in someone else, empty messages and more.

I’d like to see that.



Was soo nice! :smiley: I loved it. Oh c’mon even your histories has something awesome to read… :blush:


Soooo nice poem!! :smiley::smiley::+1::+1:

Oh course they will! :smiley: They made a beautiful b’day card for you… remember?! :smiley:


That is soooooooo amazing! Its my favorite now. You have soo great ideas in your mind!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: Its my favorite. I am bookmarking it!
I see the world ruled by peace on this blank page :blush::blush::blush::blush:

I knew it! :smiley::+1:


  • WAIT - great! “Work for it if you want it” :blush:
  • CYCLE - nice! The complete life cycle.
  • the others were nice as well (but my favorite it white!! :heart_eyes:)


Aww soo sweet poem :heart_eyes:

I guess i have to leave that for a while. I can’t give time to it. There are times when you want to do something and you just can’t :no_mouth::pensive:

OVERALL : you are an awesome writer and person @ironsoldier16 keep writing and inspiring us :blush::blush:


I loved the little be born one :joy::joy: I kind of thought it was funny, I imagined someone being all deep and serious talking to someone, “hey wanna know how I was born? It’s a crazy story!” “Ok yeah sure!” “There was noise, then I was born” “:hushed:


For sure!!

@framos1792 jajajaja good one that!! I never saw it in that way jajaja.



I remembered everything when I saw you.
Those eyes filled my heart with tears,
You made my soul regret
And it ended up wandering in the warm streets of your body.

Those nights where the birds reposed in my window,
You were next to me, in my bed,
Reading each verse of the guy that left you.
We were friends, I fell in love with your free bird soul and your color of freedom.

How it hurted me see you let yourself be dragged by another!
Why didn’t you understand my pain?
Now I am rambling in this world.
How I hope to see you again soon.

Stop to cry for me. I am in this hole
And you are flying freely again.
I know that my sacrifice was worth it.
Oh woman! Oh Soul of bird!
Color of the freedom, you don’t become a [spoiler]bitch.[/spoiler]
Be completely free.

Let me know that my departure wasn’t in vain,
That your death is only the beggining of the true freedom.
Beautiful woman, color of bird, free soul!
Who will reach whom?
We are awaiting for each other forever,
But not for all the time.

Me recordé de todo cuando te vi.
Esos ojos llenaron de lágrimas mi corazón,
Hiciste que mi alma se lamentara
Y terminara vagando en las calles cálidas de tu cuerpo.

Aquellas noches en donde los pájaros reposaban en mi ventana,
Tú estabas a la par mía, en mi cama,
Leyendo cada verso del sujeto que te abandonó.
Éramos amigos, me enamoré de tu alma de pájaro libre y tu color de libertad.

¡Cómo me dolió verte dejarte arrastrar por otro!
¿Por qué no comprendiste mi dolor?
Ahora estoy divagando en este mundo.
Cómo espero pronto volver a verte.

Deja de llorar por mí. Yo estoy en este hoyo
Y tú estás volando libremente otra vez.
Sé que mi sacrificio valió la pena.
¡Oh mujer! ¡Oh alma de pájaro!
Color de la libertad, no te vuelves una [spoiler]perra.[/spoiler]
Sé completamente libre.

Déjame saber que mi partida no fue en vano,
Que tu muerte no es más que el comienzo de la verdadera libertad
¡Mujer bella, color de pájaro, alma libre!
¿Quién alcanzará a quién?
Nos estamos esperando para siempre,
Más no para todo el tiempo.



While everyone was celebratong, he just closed his eyes and holding on the tears he continued working as seller.

He just heard: “Happy Children’s Day, I love you, my son.”

Everyone walked happily with their children and he tried to dream that they also celebrate it.

He wished from the bottom of his heart that someone was close to him and even if they gave him a hug.

Nobody remembered him.

At dusk he had to come back to the room where he lived: Completely alone.


Mientras todos celebraban, él sólo cerró sus ojos y aguantándose las lágrimas continuó trabajando como vendedor.

Solo escuchaba: “feliz día del niño, te quiero hijo mío.”

Todos paseaban felices con sus hijos y él trataba de soñar que también se lo celebran.

Deseaba desde el fondo de su corazón que alguien estuviera cerca de él y aunque sea le regalaran un abrazo.

Nadie se recordó de él.

Al atardecer tuvo que regresar al cuarto donde vivía: completamente solo.


Finally :sunny:you are back bro @ironsoldier16- :grin: That was just nice to find your thread revived today as I logged inhere, I enjoyed reading both- the lyrics and the short story.

Both are full of nostalgia and both, the lyrics and the story are leaving a bitter taste on my tongue :wink: and this just - your ability to express feelings in words- that’s such a great skill bro! Go on - curious about your further works :sunny: :grin: :+1:t2:


Awww brother! finally another 2 stories to read! :smile: :sun_with_face:

Both are sad like @theearlywalker said… The one about the woman has a certain delicacy in the description, like the character feels betrayed by her but at the same time he wishes her to live a happy life…I like the part when you said “the sacrifice was worth it”…
In “Children’s Day” the kid is so mature and try to be strong when he felt alone…nicely written…

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Maybe today or tomorrow I’ll upload the rest.

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Wow! I just got a chance to read everything (you probably got a lot of notification spam from me) and I must say you write so beautifully! The depth in your stories are just brilliant! I managed to read all the posts in one sitting, because I enjoyed them so much! Very well done, and I look forward to reading more from you. Keep writing and keep sharing!

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Just 15+ jaja thanks. I am going to work on the next one now.


I could not write these past days, but I want you to know @ironsoldier16 I read your stories!!

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