Just on the day of graduation, fatality struck my life … My mother was killed by my own father (who was drunk). I didn’t know anything, nor was I told until I got home. In the afternoon Luis and I went to the “underworld” to celebrate. We each chose our favorite prostitute and we went to a room. Just then, police arrested the owner and how people had in front, as the brothel was illegal. We both saved each other and promised never to return there.
Returning to the house, two men were waiting for me. They were from the funeral home, they were only there to tell me the worst: My mother was dead and my father was in prison. After the news I passed out and ended up in the hospital. Luis went with me and spent the three days I was there.
Luis: Look, Marcelino (I told him about my real name) Do you still have the agenda?
Me: Yes, hit is in my house. Why? If you need it I give it to you.
Luis: No. You keep it, it’s yours anyway. No one wants that extra responsibility. I ask you because it is of utmost importance that you have it. Look, take that agenda and turn it into a book in which you tell the educational changes that Guatemala needs. I’m leaving, I’ll be back soon.
Spanish version
Justo el día de la graduación, la fatalidad azotó mi vida… Mi madre murió atropellada por mi propio padre (quien iba en estado de ebriedad). Yo no supe nada, ni me lo dijeron hasta que llegué a la casa. En la tarde Luis y yo fuimos al “bajo mundo” para celebrar. Cada uno eligió a su prostituta favorita y fuimos a un cuarto. Justo en ese momento, la policía arrestó al dueño y cuánto gente tuviera enfrente, pues el prostíbulo era ilegal. Ambos nos salvamos y prometimos jamás volver ahí.
Volviendo a la casa, dos hombres me esperaban. Eran de la funeraria, estaban allí sólo para contarme lo peor: Mi madre estaba muerta y mi padre en prisión. Tras la noticia me desmayé y terminé en el hospital. Luis fue conmigo y pasó ahí los tres días que permanecí.
Luis: Mirá, Marcelino (Le conté a Luis sobre mi verdadero nombre) ¿Aún tenés la agenda?
Yo: Sí, está en mi casa ¿Por qué? Si la necesitas te la doy.
Luis: No. Quedátela vos, es tuya de todos modos. Nadie quiere esa responsabilidad extra. Te lo pregunto porque es de suma importancia que la tengás. Mirá pues, tomá esa agenda y volvela un libro en el que contés los cambios educativos que necesita Guatemala. Me voy vos, al rato vuelvo.