Portraits of a Masked Mind


One morning I argued with my father and didn’t eat breakfast because I was late for school. When I arrived, the caretaker refused to let me in and I had to beg until the teacher came to help me. I managed to get in and went to the classroom at once. I was sorry for not being able to [be earlier in the school], I was hungry and to top it off I forgot the group work that we had to deliver that day.

My classmates got upset and went to the teacher to plead with him. He just sat quietly listening to everyone. In the end he asked me to stay after school. I was afflicted and scared to death, I thought he was going to call my parents or that he was going to send me with the principal to get me expelled.

To my surprise, he only told me about his life and, in summary, he said:

  • I had no one to trust, you did. Look here I am, forget your problems and focus on the studies. Andres, right? Look, I’m a bit nosy at times, sorry, but what’s your real name?
  • (I was shocked by his question, however I managed to answer him) My name is: Marcelino Tum.
  • I don’t ask you for wanting to discriminate, but only to know that you are sure who you really are. Don’t forget dude, go out to play. Give me that work tomorrow.
  • Thank you Professor. So I admire you, because you know how and what to say. I see you when I go to class.

Spanish version
Una mañana discutí con mi padre y no desayuné por ir tarde a la escuela. Cuando llegué, la portera no me quiso dejar entrar y tuve que suplicar hasta que el profesor llegó a ayudarme. Logré entrar y me fui al salón de una vez. Estaba apenado a más no poder. Tenía hambre y por si fuera poco olvidé el trabajo grupal que debíamos entregar ese día.

Mis compañeros se molestaron y fueron con el profesor a alegarle. Él solo se quedó tranquilo oyendo a cada uno. Al final me pidió que me quedara después de clases. Yo estaba afligido y muerto del miedo, creí que iba a llamar a mis padres o que me iba a enviar a la dirección para que me expulsaran.

Para mi sorpresa sólo me habló de su vida y, resumiendo, me dijo:

  • Yo no tuve a nadie en quién confiar, vos sí. Mirá aquí estoy yo, olvidá tus problemas y concéntrate en los estudios. Andrés ¿Va? Mirá vos, yo soy algo shute a veces, disculpá pero ¿Cuál es tu verdadero nombre?

  • (Me quedé impactado por su pregunta, sin embargo logré responderle) Me llamo: Marcelino Tum.

  • No te lo pregunto por querer discriminarte, sino solo para saber que vos estás seguro de quién sos realmente. No lo olvidés mano, salí a jugar. Ese trabajo me lo dan mañana.

  • Gracias profesor. Por eso lo admiro, porque sabe cómo y qué decir. Lo veo cuando entre a clases.


I’m so curious at why he had to change name,place… :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: I think I’ll get it with the other parts of the story… hope so… :grin: Anyway this mistery around the story, makes it very interesting… :nerd_face:


Cool to see you writing again! And your English has become really good I noticed. Keep it up :smiley:

:exploding_head: :dizzy_face: wuuhou!!! :partying_face: :partying_face:
@IronSoldier16 Why didn’t you tag me? :scream:
And I’m actually to tired to concentrate properly :persevere:
So later :blush:

Ask his family, none of us (Marcelino and I) know why :sweat_smile: :joy:

I wrote that like 3 years ago :sweat_smile: same time I was writing the last chapters of Portraits :upside_down_face: but thanks.

I don’t tag people :upside_down_face: usually I forget it :grimacing:



:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :expressionless: :unamused:

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Years passed, I went back to school to visit my teacher and tell him that I was already in third grade*. I asked him what career should I choose? The one you like the most, ”he replied,“ and that’s how I decided to take a career that would allow me to be with him and help him just as he did with me: Magistery.

I spent a hell at home and at school everything was more complicated. The first year it was difficult for me to adapt to the school’s educational system and I almost left the place if it weren’t for two people: Luis Rafael (magistery friend) and my elemental school teacher. They managed to help me rescue the year. The tasks, punishments and practices of that time were very cruel and inhuman as well as humiliating and devaluing.

Luis and I were saved many times from those things. In the second year we decided -among the whole classroom- to document everything that happened to us and so the “magisterial agenda” was created, which was a kind of personal diary -press- compilation with suggestions and tests to make an educational improvement and promote a teaching of academic quality and above all: humane.


  1. *9th grade, in USA.

Spanish Version
Pasaron los años, yo volví a la escuela para visitar a mi profesor y contarle que ya estaba en 3ro básico. Le pregunté ¿Qué carrera debería escoger? La que más te guste –respondió él- y así fue como decidí tomar una carrera que me permitiría estar con él y ayudarlo así como él lo hizo conmigo: Magisterio.

Pasaba un infierno en casa y en el instituto todo era más complicado. El primer año me costó adaptarme al sistema educativo del plantel y casi abandono el lugar si no fuera por dos personas: Luis Rafael (amigo de magisterio) y mi profesor de primaria. Ellos lograron ayudarme a rescatar el año. Las tareas, los castigos y prácticas de esa época eran muy crueles e inhumanos así como humillantes y desvalorizantes.

Luis y yo nos salvamos muchas veces de esas cosas. En el segundo año decidimos –entre todo el salón- documentar todo lo que nos pasara y así fue creada la “agenda magisterial” la cual era una especie de diario personal –prensa- recopilatorio con sugerencias y pruebas para hacer una mejora educativa y promover una enseñanza de calidad académica y sobre todo: humana.


I’m so happy to read a story from you!!! :blush:
Even so it’s nothing new, just a new translation. It is new to me, and you wouldn’t have published it, if its not still has a meaning to you.
The story has mostly one effect on me, makes me curious.
Why the name change?
How did the teacher knew, it was the wrong name?
The level of trust had to be deep, that he gave his real name. What also shows, that he looked for advise to him, even so the teaching times were long past.
How exactly came this trust?
What were all the cruelties that happend?
You said, it’s also part history of your country, what exactly?

This questions aren’t actually question I ask you. It’s more to show you, how I think about the story and how I go out of it. Still thinking.

Thank you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


wtf, 3rd year is equivalent to 9th grade in the US? How does that work? Do you guys skip grades K-6?

Hey! @jrtrussell There you are! Don’t get lost :triumph:

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aye, chigo and manu are the lost ones

Not true! Manu stays his ground. :muscle:
Chigo is always lost so. :kissing_heart:


Chigo is 100% lost

Manu dances on that line but he’s lost most of the time.


You are just too smart. :roll_eyes:

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It is a burden I must live with each day :weary:

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It’s an equivalent.

3rd basic is the literal translate. But as I understand it, USA doesn’t have basic level in education but high school if I remember correctly.

3rd basic is cursed by people of 15, 16 years old. Do the conversion to your school system and let me know if I’m wrong or not.

Btw, don’t spam this thread, please.


Oh really? I guess you can take it as a compliment anyway :joy:


Yeah XD, but I had to translate it using Google just to be sure. From the 100% I posted, 5% has been changed :sweat_smile:

Well good job then, since working with Google translate often gives you crippled sentences, at least in my experience :joy:

It still being the same thing lol but there are expression that I had to reformulated them because of some inconsistencies and surprisedly the options that google has suggested me have been corrected.

That and also you have to know what you want to say XD

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