Portraits of a Masked Mind

Very nice cover man. Gives it a late 70’s early 80’s kind of vibe :wink:

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Reading is still in progress dude . Loved till wheee i did :slightly_smiling_face: I’ll let you know soon.

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Hello. It’s me.
I was smoking on the balcony when you came in.
Didn’t you know how excited I felt when I saw you, did you?

Gather us here again, after many years…
It seemed like the time never happened…

However, our meeting is not what one would expect.

The fact of meet you in this site
makes me want to hide my head in a hole
because although, I’m happy to see you,
the burden of the things we lived, is killing me.

And you!
You smiled me frequently…
You didn’t know what I felt for you…
Our wishes were others.

I faded away, but I could never forget you.
We used to be just “other person.”

With the pass of the days, I began to think in you
in different ways, some that only we would understand.

I used to think that love does not
need to understand legal matters,
so I felt in love with you.

I didn’t care what happened with my
But, when I thought in you,
and how that situation would affect you
I understood that my feelings for you
were completely wrong.

My beloved F… I am so sorry.

I’d like to have something formal with you.
But, I must know by heart (and accept it)
that I don’t have a future with you.

So sadly, I have to tell you
“Good goodbye, dear.”
The smoke of the cigarette
awaits for me once more.



¡Hola! Soy yo.
Estaba fumando en el balcón cuando tú viniste.
No sabías lo emocionado que me sentía ¿Verdad?

Reunirnos aquí, después de tantos años…
Parecía que el tiempo nunca pasó…

Sin embargo, nuestra reunión no es lo que uno esperaría.

El hecho de conocernos en este sitio
me hace desear esconder mi cabeza en un hoyo
pues, si bien, me sentía feliz al verte,
la cargar de las cosas que vivimos me está matando.

¡Y tú!
Tú me sonreías con frecuencia…
No sabías lo que sentía por ti…
Nuestros deseos eran otros.

Me desvanecí, pero nunca pude olvidarte.
Solíamos ser “otra persona.”

Con el paso de los días, empecé a pensar en ti
de diferentes maneras, unas que sólo nosotros entenderíamos.

Solía creer que el amor
no necesita entender de cuestiones legales,
así que me enamoré de ti.

No me importaba qué pasara conmigo,
pero cuando pensé en ti
y en cómo esta situación te afectaría,
Comprendí que mis sentimientos
estaban completamente equivocados.

Mi querid…* F… Lo siento mucho.

Me gustaría tener algo formal contigo,
pero debo saber de memoria (y aceptarlo)
que no tengo futuro contigo.

Así que tristemente, te tengo que decir
“Que te vaya muy, muy bien.”
El humo de otro cigarillo
espera por mí una vez más.

*=To keep the mystery of who this person is, I didn’t write the missing letter (it could be an “a” or an “o.”)


Short but sweet. I like how this story becomes full circle

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@OneMoreLight2017, @Woco21, Thanks guys!

@rickvanmeijel thanks for the comment! TBH this history was originally the lyrics for a song.



Acumulando sus enseñanzas y recordando sus pasos, me pregunto ¿Qué será de mi tía? Ella está en la gloria –Respondió mi abuela.- Sí, pensé yo.

Y ya que ella está en el máximo punto del reconocimiento humano ¿No debería su legado estarlo también? Me cuestiono si realmente habré hecho todo lo que debía para mantener su vida en lo más alto, y si sus palabras aún están en mi alma.

Mis tíos-abuelos vinieron hoy de visita, nos pusimos a hablar de ella en un momento y me comentaron que deseaba dejarme encaminado al éxito.

Desgraciadamente ella falleció antes de ver su deseo volverse realidad… sin embargo, no he de olvidar que ella siempre reconoció en mí todos los méritos y esfuerzos para con la familia.

Curiosamente soñé con ella y eso me puso sensible, pues la alegría que me hace sentir su recuerdo no quiero que sea opacada por el doloroso recordatorio de su ausencia, y no se me ocurre mejor forma de honrarla y valorar su vida que cumpliendo por mí mismo su deseo de verme triunfar.

El recordatorio de una mujer que incluso enferma estaba más llena de vida y determinación debería ser más que suficiente para saber que no importa si no la veo físicamente, sino que al recordarla, sea su huella la que me siga guiando aconsejando.

Tía, en el marco de tu cumpleaños 56, te dedico estas palabras, y trabajaré por cumplir esa meta. Donde sea que estés, te quiero.

Accumulating her teachings and remembering her steps, I wonder what will become of my aunt? She is in glory, -Said my grandma. Yes -I thought.

And since she is at the maximum point of human recognition, shouldn’t her legacy be too? I wonder if I really have done everything I had to keep her life on top, and if her words are still in my soul.

My great uncle and great aunt came to visit today, we started talking about her and they told me that she wanted to leave me on my way to success.

Unfortunately, she died before seeing her desire come true … however, I must not forget that she always recognized in me all the merits and efforts towards the family.

Curiously I had dreamed about her and that made me sensitive, because the joy that makes me feel her memory I don’t want to be overshadowed by the painful reminder of her absence, and I can’t think of a better way to honor her and value her life than fulfilling for myself her desire to see me succeed.

The reminder of a woman who was even sicker was more full of life and determination should be more than enough to know that it doesn’t matter if I don’t see her physically, but to remember her is her mark that I continue to guide and advise.

Aunt, in the context of your 56th birthday, I dedicate these words to you, and I will work to fulfill that goal. Wherever you are, I love you.


You changed your avatar to a very early one- wasn’t it your first one?

I read your story and nostalgia and sadness somehow- love is a crazy thing… it comes and grabs you and all you feel is like you have to share it with THE ONE - it’s so strong at times that it’s hurting especially if sharing it with the beloved one is for whatever reason impossible.

The protagonst in your latest story seems to be in such a situation… It’s a great description of a situation that happens within minutes- very impressive and good written as always. Worth to be added to your book :blush:


Yes. Because of this one @lpfan61 has to chance her jaja :hugs:

Thank you very much! :bowing_man: :smile: :blush:



Fire Sand


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[…] Nobody expected that your presence was the preface of a major catastrophe […] It seemed weird to see this event, so I went to see the News. When I did it, my soul fell to the floor […]

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[…] Nadie esperaba que tu presencia fuera el prefacio de una catástrofe mayor […] Me extrañó tanto ver ese suceso que fui a ver las noticias. Cuando lo hice, el alma se me cayó al suelo […]




The pics are awesome…unless the fact they mean nothing good for the human beings… :sweat_smile:

Did you take that last pic yourself? Looks amazing, despite the horror it has caused of course, like @lpfan61 says

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@lpfan61 @rickvanmeijel I would have wished it was me, but no. A friends of mine shared the last two with me the day of the disaster.


This one is called:

It is 5:30 morning and the day is only starting and his smile is already there. Why? His friends are with him. Today he decided to be happy and have a good time.

He woke up as early as he could and had a normal breakfast (cereal with milk) while he read the wishes of his friends, he thought one thing: enjoy the day.

He takes his backpack and go out ready to enjoy the day. Before he left his house, he sees the sky:





Even Google wishes him a happy birthday (or that’s what he wants to believe :smile: )

He is walking nowhere and enjoying the view, he decides to take some photos to remember it.







He has walked for almost two hours without taking a break until now. He is MacDonald’s taking advantage of the WiFi while drink a Coke and start to draw the day 13 of Inktober.



He thought in going different places, but instead he stayed in MacDonald’s drawing.

He’s drawing what his imagine says, unfortunately his brown pen dies before end the inked. Now he must see what to do to fix it. in the meantime, he takes the time to reply each message.

It’s 11:15 and the day continue giving him surprises, no all of them are good, but he doesn’t care that. He enjoys his day with his friends :slight_smile:

As he is busy inking his drawing, he eats in MacDonald’s (what a surprise (?) Jaja). Enjoying a simple food he ends his draw and shares with his friends.

After that he walks to another place, but the rain stops him, forcing him to come back where he was.

After some minutes he finally can go to the other place. There, he takes a fast break and stars his new drawing. The minutes passes fast and the idea comes to him, he is doing the sketch.

Now he’s done, he walks to a place where he can eat his cake. Unfortunately the battery of his phone is dying and he walks looking for a Mac (which is the only restaurant with free and decent WiFi).

He is there now, he is inking his drawing before drink his coffee and eat his cake.

The time has come, his cake is there:

It’s 18:55 and he knows that the party is coming at its end, so he will live each second.

For now, we can assume that he has an excellent birthday :smile:

After end his cake and ink his drawing, he walk for one last time to the places he used to visit when the year started. Another 6.5km await for him.

He doesn’t take any photo until he comes back to his house.

Time goes fast. It’s 22:00 and he should get in his house, he’s ready to face the consequences, he knows that once he crosses that door his stress will come back :confused: Before do that, he talks with a friend who helps him to hold on and look forward. For his surprise, nothing happens, his grandma is not there and he feel good.

He checks out WA, IG and the forum before fall asleep. A few seconds before he says to himself:

I had the best birthday. There is nothing better than this.

Photos later :sweat_smile:


Very nice!! :hugs: :hugs: :sun_with_face: :tada:

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Enjoy and keep us updated :wink:

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That!!! Lightening pic! I badly want to take one i am never able too!!! That is awesome!!

And birthday was soo nice. :smiley: I am happy you enjoyed! Loved those initial sky pics

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Thank you :hugs:

New store/history coming soon.


These news texts are not related with my book. For now they just are ideas and/or random thoughts.

They served him a dish,
There was what he wants:
and what not, too…

Le sirvieron un plato,
Ahí estaba lo que desea:
y lo que no, también…


Happy to see this topic active again… and hope you’ll add some more texts :tada::tada:

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