Portraits of a Masked Mind

I finally read all stories - several times- one after the other in a line and then again - one by one. My intention was to get them together, and a greater view - to maybe get the together hang-

It’s all about the everlasting opposites like love and hate, freedom and fight, good and bad and it’s consequences and effects, the experiences we make- being kicked and stucked inbetween them - and being forced into a neverending deciding process thats called life.

to me it’s all about finding oneself, the way - each story tells another colour of a personality, sometimes you use great methaphors like in „earth without children“ sometimes you tell us wonderful stories like the lovestory about „Esteban&Ester“ to show us your values and mark your point of view, your nostalgia and what you want to highlight.

Very personal appeared the dialoug of „anger and ratio“ to me, these ambivalent battle symphonies are so familiar to me- I hear my inner team discussing each day with each other. And the leader of my inner parts is changing with each new day. And it’s ok to be diverse and have another colour leading your personality- each day diverse, depending on the strenght, the things that happen in our life and the role you are in- as friend, opponent, son, daughter, employer, student- as giver or taker- as egoistic or social - and so on… no matter what happens and no matter how you decide: be generous with yourself and be aware, each moment in your life you give the best you are able to, and that’s not always the perfection we always want to fit- but worth to be honoured with love for oneself,

I pray this prayer very often
God give me the serenity to accept things that I can not change, the power to change things that I can change and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other :pray:t2:

Hugs to you - you are a blessed writer :hugs:

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I just want to know what stories or histories have been your favorite ones. In these days I will be publishing a poll for every “chapter” of my book until we are now (Recordando.) So fell free to vote.

The minimum is 3.
The Maximus is 7.

Each poll will be changing the number.


  • Profundidad del corazón
  • De ti aprendí
  • ¿Dónde estás mamá?
  • El detalle
  • No eres perfecta
  • Pasando el tiempo
  • Perdón
  • Sobre “A”
  • Sobre “B”
  • Sobre “C”
  • Sorpresa
  • Desearía
  • Olvidarte
  • Hablar
  • Caballero
  • Frases y pensamientos

0 voters


Will do my voting asap - but it would be much easier for me if you would add the english titles of the stories too :smiley:- would save me from a lot of up and down scrolling- the thread is big and this scrolling wastes only time :grimacing:

I’ll go over these stories again in the coming days and vote asap, though I agree with @theearlywalker on this:

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@theearlywalker, @rickvanmeijel I’d do, but I can’t edit the poll unitl @jFar920 or @derek allow me.

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What?? It’s in the settings- available for all regulars …

Once you make a poll you can’t change it.


Oh not? Ok- sorry then- didn’t knew this - thanx Rob :slight_smile:

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Wait am I the only one that voted till now?!? :laughing: c’mon guys! :muscle: I did it in a veeeery simple way: bring a paper, take note of the Spanish titles, go upside and search the translation (at the first post there are some post numbers… :wink: ) then put a sign near your favourites and tranfer on the poll… :grin:


I’m still like a dozen stories behind :sweat_smile: . Closer to 5 realistically.

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Still catching up to comsider what somgs are my favorite on Aces poll - :sweat_smile:- Stephs lyrics poll ahead- and to really make a valuable voting I have to read all again, the stories of @IronSoldier16- this takes already at least two hours … I feel like the day has not enough hours to get all I want to do done- @LPfan61 - adorable how you make this all- plus the spanish class… me far away from this :see_no_evil:, how long we have time to vote, @IronSoldier16?


Voting’s season is officially opened jaja

It will be open until the end of the year.

BTW I’ll do a new poll with the titles in English, just give a moment.

@lpfan61 can you vote in the new one? Please.

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  • Depth of the heart (profundidades del corazón)
  • From you I learnt to (de ti aprendí a)
  • Where are you mom? (¿Dónde estás mamá?)
  • The detail (El detalle)
  • You are not perfect (No eres perfecta)
  • Speding the time (Pasando el tiempo)
  • Forgiveness (Perdón)
  • Letter A (Sobre A)
  • Letter B (Sobre B)
  • Letter C (Sobre C)
  • Surprise (Sorpresa)
  • I wish (Desearía)
  • Forget you (Olvidarte)
  • Talk (Hablar)
  • Gentleman (Caballero)
  • Phrases and thoughts (Frases y pensamientos)

0 voters

No probl! :blush: :sun_with_face:

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Done voting! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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He thought and thought. He wrote and wrote. He stopped and read. He thought and thought. He read and wrote. He stopped and thought. He wrote and wrote. It doesn’t matter what way he takes, all the ideas brings him to the same. He thought and thought. He read and wrote. He thought and stopped.

The name of that one stop him in each word that he says. His name distracted him. He thought and wrote. He read and fell silent. He wrote and stopped. That innocent being harmed his mind. He started to hate himself and hate him (the thought, no the being) until he found it. He wrote and followed. He wrote and didn’t stop. He thought and followed. He stopped and read.

His name took him to the same. Finally he could do. He thought and thought. He stopped and read. He applauded and cried: “The work is done” -He thought and presented it. - There was peace and silence. There was a gray day and a kid. There was a bad thought and a desire. There was one opportunity after another and he missed them. There was a friend and he saved him. There was a pending and the time was careless. There was a moment. He thought and didn’t clarify it.

He followed and forgiveness he asked: “Andersson…” -He put his knee on the ground. - “Maybe for you this doesn’t matter, but for me it is.” -He hugged him and said- “I’m sorry for whatever I must ask forgiveness.” -He left him and fell silent.

The answer remained in him, in the expectative, in the time, in this sheet. There was nothing to say. He reasoned and so he left.

Pensó y pensó. Escribió y escribió. Paró y leyó. Pensó y pensó. Leyó y escribió. Paró y pensó. Escribió y escribió. No importaba qué rumbo tomara, todas las ideas lo llevaban a lo mismo. Pensó y pensó. Leyó y escribió. Pensó y paró.

El nombre de aquél lo detenía en cada palabra que decía. Su nombre lo distraía. Pensó y escribió. Leyó y calló. Escribió y paró. Ese ser inocente perjudicaba su mente. Empezó a odiarse y a odiarlo (al pensamiento, no al ser) hasta que lo encontró. Escribió y siguió. Escribió y no paró. Pensó y siguió. Paró y leyó.

Su nombre lo llevaba a lo mismo. Al final pudo hacerlo. Pensó y pensó. Paró y leyó. Aplaudió y lloró: “La obra está terminada” –pensó y la presentó.- Hubo paz y silencio. Hubo un día gris y un niño. Hubo un mal pensamiento y un deseo. Hubo una oportunidad tras otra y las desaprovechó. Hubo un amigo y él lo salvó. Hubo un pendiente y el tiempo indiferente se portó. Hubo un momento. Pensó y no lo aclaró.

Siguió y perdón pidió: “Andersson…” -Apoyó su rodilla en el piso y puso su mano en su hombro.- “Tal vez esto no tiene importancia para ti, pero para mí es relevante.” –Lo abrazó y le dijo- “Perdón por lo que sea que deba pedirte perdón.” –Lo soltó y calló.-

La respuesta quedó en él, en la expectativa, en el tiempo, en esta hoja. No quedó nada sin decir. Razonó y así lo dejó.

There are 3 “he” in the story:

  1. The writer.
  2. The being (Andersson)
  3. The friend.

Que sea una historia que te llene de paz amigo :slight_smile: beautifully written particularly in Spanish, I enjoyed the sentence structure very much!

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Eso quisiera, aún debo hacer realidad la parte del perdón :confused: Gracias.

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Talves hay veces que el perdón es más para uno mismo que a la persona que piensas que lastimastes :slight_smile: el momento te llegara y como te dije una vez, el que tú sientas estos sentimientos te hace más fuerte que la mayoría de los demás
Ya se te irá enderecando el barco luego jaja

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A lo lejos lo recuerdo :slight_smile: y pues la verdad quiero ser tan fuerte como pueda. Tengo la semana para hacerlo. 2018 debe ser mi año.

Gracias por las palabras. Me iré a dormir, son las 00:10 aquí y tengo parciales que resolver aún jaja me daré alguna idea para torturar a los alumnos de aquí jajajaja :shushing_face: