Portraits of a Masked Mind

Ok, no problem… :smiley: to understand what I meant you need to see all 3 movies… :sweat_smile: but don’t worry!

Uumm…hard question… :thinking: “forgiveness” I think…with all 3 finals…

Yaaaay! What I won? :grin: no, kidding…happy for that! :blush:

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Jaja I know part of the history. A synopsis?

I thought you were going to say “Depth of the Heart” For me, that one is the most mysterious of all, even being the short version… :thinking:

You won’t like it. It starts with “U” and ends with “N.” Can I stay with it? Jajaja

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It’s a looong story… in short: in a world where the machines command everything, a guy, “The One” could save the people; the character is not the first “One”, but he’s the one who sacrifice himself to save all the others, so they can live in peace with the machines, without any war… (very short summary for 3 movies :sweat_smile: )

I was hesitant and then chose the other… :laughing:

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :roll_eyes: Alive! :unicorn: :heart_eyes: :joy:

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it’s not far away from we are actually living in these times. We are too “programmed” to BeLIEve what our rulers tell us are true. Even though on all accounts if you do your own research… you will see a completely side to the story. Life isn’t all strawberry picking for sure.

Gracias por hacerme ver que no soy el unico que esta “loco” en este mundo que perdio su esencia hace decadas.

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Here the mine about Resident Evil:
A virus appears, people die, they come back to life became in zombies. A girl appears, she is the cure, kill several zombies, she ran away from the city, more zombies, everyone die, she is the only survivor. There are 6 movies summarize.

Then I did understood what you meant. :slight_smile:

Ahh… Define that word jajaja just kidding, they’re save with me.

It’s done sister @lpfan61 thanks for tell me.

De nada, aunque considero que todos estamos locos de alguna u otra manera jaja. (Por cierto ¿De dónde eres?)

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Bueno de eso tienes razon, que todos somos unos locos a nuestra propia manera.

Yo soy de Nueva York pero, mis padres son de Sudamerica. Por eso hablo el castellano xD.

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Thanks a lot for the tag soldier! :smiley: I’ll read them soon! :blush:

This was for the Christmas… Enjoy your belated gift :slight_smile:


Finally I graduated and after many months without working, I finally have a job, well… almost. I just need to go to an interview and the will give me the place I want -as long as I answer everything correctly- with a salary of Q2.500 biweekly. I’m a bachelor, so I don’t need to know to add, subtract, multiply and divide or find the value of a silly X or a Y; much less put accents to all those ridiculous words. Also, what does it matter if they carry an accent or not, if you understand what is said / reads for what to label it?

As the secretary told me, the test is just reading aloud a half-page story and answering a question (and she told me in passing what it is: Why is reading important?) The test can’t be easier. I am the third of five applicants to pass, so I have time to listen to others and be calmer. Finally it is my turn to pass, the truth, the first read very badly. It’s time to show them how to read well jaja. Good morning, my name is René and I will read the next history called “Phofias.” Phobias are a inrational fear that affect other. Among them are: hipopo… hipo-po mounstruo… Wait a moment! That word doesn’t exist!! Where is the boss? I want to talk with him immediately.

Look, young -His personal secretary told me as she grabbed the sheet. I’m sorry that you puts yourself in such a childish attitude, but my boss informed me that he can’t be hired you because he needs a person who is able to read “strange” words and knows how to recognize its mistakes. This test is designed with several long and difficult words to pronounce if the applicant does not read them before. In this case, the word hipopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is read by part -she advised me as she reads it by parts- hi-po-po-to-mons-tro-ses-qui-pe-da-lio-pho-bia. I was so angry that I didn’t want to know anything else. I was leaving when other secretary told me that I should ask the question. From anger I forgot to do it, so with a blue pencil I answered: “I’m frustrated and I can’t think of a clear answer now.” I gave it to the secretary and went home crying in frustration.

A couple of days later they called me: it was the boss. He told me about the mistakes of pronunciation I had (irrational instead of inrational, phobias are irrational fears instead of phobias are a fear) and he asked me the same question: Why is reading important? I could only answer that if one read beforehand for oneself and then for the others one would manage to avoid passing the problems that I had. He told me that it was a very common answer and that he expected more from me.


  • Q2 500 is a regular salary here, and they are like 310 dollars.
  • Whoever that can help me to separate the long word correctly please, I never learned to do it in English.


Al fin me gradué y después de muchos meses sin trabajar, por fin tengo un trabajo, bueno casi, solo me falta ir a una entrevista de empleo y me darán el puesto que yo quiera -siempre y cuando responda correctamente todo- con un sueldo de Q2 500 quincenales. Soy un bachiller así que no necesito saber sumar, restar, multiplicar y dividir o encontrar el valor de una tonta equis o de una ye; mucho menos poner tildes a todas esas palabras ridículas. Además qué importa si llevan tilde o no, si se entiende lo que se dice/lee para qué tildarlo.

Según me dijo la secretaria, la prueba es solo leer en voz alta una historia de media página y responder una pregunta (y de paso me dijo cuál es: ¿Por qué es importante leer?) más fácil no puede ser esa prueba. Soy el tercero de cinco aspirantes en pasar, así que tengo tiempo para oír a los demás y estar más tranquilo.

Al fin es mi turno para pasar, la verdad, los primeros leyeron re-mal. Es hora de que vean cómo se lee jaja. Buenos días, me llamo René y les leeré la siguiente historia llamada “Fobias.” Las fobias son un miedo inracional que afecta a los demás. Entre ellos están: hipopo… hipo-po mounstruo… ¡Momento esa palabra ni existe! ¿Dónde está el jefe? Quiero hablar con él inmediatamente.

Mire joven –Me dijo su secretaria personal mientras agarraba la hoja- Me da pena que se ponga en esa actitud tan infantil, pero mi jefe me informó que no se le puede contratar porque él necesita a una persona que sea capaz de leer palabras “extrañas” y sepa reconocer sus errores. Esta prueba está diseñada con varias palabras largas y difíciles de pronunciar si el aspirante no las lee antes. En este caso, la palabra hipopotomonstrosesquipedaliofobia se va leyendo por parte –me aconsejó mientras lo leía por partes- hipopoto-monstro-sesqui-peda-lio-fobia.

Estaba tan enojado que no quise saber nada más. Me estaba yendo cuando otra secretaria me dijo que yo debía responder la pregunta. Del enojo se me olvidó hacerlo, así que con un lapicero azul le respondí: “Estoy frustrado y no puedo pensar en un respuesta clara ahora.” Se la di a la secretaria y me fui a casa llorando de frustración.

Al par de días me llamaron: era el jefe. Me comentó de los errores de pronunciación que tuve (irracional en vez de inracional; las fobias son los miedos irracionales en vez de las fobias son un miedo) me hizo la misma pregunta: ¿Por qué es importante leer? Solo le pude responder que si uno leyera antes para sí mismo y luego para los demás uno lograría evitar pasar los problemas que yo pasé. Me dijo que era una respuesta muy común y que esperaba más de mí.


And she smiled at me… her eyes were saying “everything end here, and no one will help you…” I don’t have another option; I have to hug her before she left me in this place, alone without food and clothes…

Then, we realized that everyone had to keep their own path, hoping that someday the destiny gather us again. Since tomorrow I have to choose between stay in the past with the fake illusion that she come back someday or assume that I have the enough power to keep with my life as I knew it before she came at me with her personality.

Sometimes she just doesn’t understand me because her mind is no here, often I think that the only real thing here is my body… Don’t try to understand my mind because if I can’t understand myself you’d not do too, sometimes what I say don’t have sense and is a waste of time looking for its sense.

Sometimes is better just listening to that find the emptiness in yourself…
Remember just heard, don’t try to understand everything or looking for sense…


  • This one doesn’t have Spanish version.


She has an indescribable figure
and every time I see her,
increase my desire
to spend an incredible afternoon.

She is the guilty of that in my mind
and in my heart reason no longer exists,
nor space for something else equally,
She is my motive for a poem or a song.

Since I met her, she always caught my attention
and although several knew her,
she was always my motivation
and for which some wrote:
“Thief of feelings and creator of life.”


Posee una figura indescriptible
y cada vez que la veo,
aumenta mi deseo
de pasar una tarde increíble.

Ella es la culpable de que en mi mente
y en mi corazón ya no exista la razón,
ni espacio para otra cosa igualmente,
ella es mi motivo para un poema o una canción.

Desde que la conocí, siempre me llamó la atención
y aunque varios la conocían,
ella siempre fue mi motivación
y por la cual algunos escribían:
“Ladrona de sentimientos y creadora de vida.”


Maybe I can’t see you,
and my hands no longer touch you,
and my screams only you hear them.
And… Even if I suffer in silence,
I know that I can have what I’m looking for:

I already don’t have words for you,
I don’t anything. And my soul,
together with my heart, they calm down.

The happiness of leaving you behind
after 8 years is what
form my new life
and a heart of peace…


Quizás no pueda verte,
y mis manos ya no te toquen,
y mis gritos sólo los oigas tú.
Y… aunque sufro en silencio,
sé que puedo tener lo que busco:

Ya no tengo palabras para ti,
no siento nada. Y mi alma,
junto con mi corazón, se calman.

La alegría de dejarte atrás
después de 8 años es lo que
forma mi nueva vida y un corazón de paz…


It uses to be like that, almost always is.
I have your attention and I know what to say, but…
The same thing always happens…
Why do I dream you?
Why do you confuse with my reality?
I see you in my most lucid dreams
and I know that you aren’t real.
Maybe it’s because a dream like me,
can’t be real, and, for me, you are my dream.


Suele ser así, casi siempre lo es.
Tengo tu atención y sé qué decir, pero…
Siempre pasa lo mismo…
¿Por qué te sueño?
¿Por qué te confundes con mi realidad?
Te veo en mis más lúcidos sueños
y sé que no eres real.
Quizá se deba a que un sueño como yo,
no puede ser real, y, para mí, tú eres mi sueño


The sound of a siren came at me
and I thought that you were dead,
I would’ve prefer that,
to be you who died
in that tragic accident
called freedom

You believed that to be there
it’d be enough
to be it,
but you just dug your condemnation.

Note: When it says “to be it” I mean be free. Any question about this, please tell me.


El sonido de una sirena llegó a mí
y pensé que habías muerto,
hubiese preferido eso,
a ser tú quien muriese
en ese trágico accidente
llamado libertad.

Creíste que al estar ahí
sería suficiente
para serlo,
pero solo cavaste tu condena.


Year after year I want to write something sensible.
Day to day I want to express the glories of the life.
Month to month I think that I’m not a fish.
Hour to hour my words drown.
Minute to minute I look for another path.
Second to second I discover myself.
Five years to five years I illustrate everything.
Decade to decade this doesn’t stay.
Century to century I contradict it.
Written to written: I just say.


  • I had to change the title from the original one because I didn’t like it.
  • IMO It’s better in Spanish, in English it loses its essence.


Año tras año quiero escribir algo sensato.
Día a día quiero expresar las glorias de la vida.
Mes a mes pienso que no soy un pez.
Hora a hora mis palabras se ahogan.
Minuto a minuto busco otro rumbo.
Segundo a segundo me descubro,
Lustro a lustro todo lo ilustro.
Década a década esto no se queda.
Siglo a siglo lo contradigo.
Escrito a escrito: Solo opino.


Every time that I think about our future,
She appears again, and my present changes,
making me come back to the past
and retake a path
that will bring me beyond
I imagine.

Now, I must choose between you and her,
who dominates and directs my works.
Maybe is she whom I must continue,
but that doesn’t mean
that you are not important for me,
you are and for that reason,
I will be with you.

Serious question: What does mean NARPOE?


Cada vez que pienso en nuestro futuro,
ella aparece de nuevo, y mi presente cambia,
haciéndome volver al pasado
y retomar un camino
que me llevará más allá
de lo que imagino.

Ahora, debo escoger entre tú y ella,
quién domina y dirige claramente mis obras.
Quizá sea ella con quien deba continuar,
pero eso no significa
que tú no seas importante para mí,
lo eres y por eso,
estaré contigo


Human being complex, beautiful and simple.
For our eyes,
you are the reincarnation of good
and goodness itself.

Your jumpy look express cuteness and curiosity;
your short stature
and the way of see the life,
as well as solve the problems,
makes you the envy of us,
and, at the same time, our greatest joy and treasure.

Do you learn from us? Maybe yes, maybe not
Do we learn from you? Always!
You remind us ourselves to your tender age
and how we saw everything.

When you grow up, don’t stop being who you are,
don’t lose your innocence, be a child forever.

Note: Dedicated to our inner child.


Ser complejo, bello y sencillo.
Para nuestros ojos,
eres la reencarnación del bien
y la bondad misma.

Tu mirada saltona expresa ternura y curiosidad;
tu baja estatura
y forma de ver la vida,
así como resolver los problemas,
te hace la envidia de nosotros;
y, a la vez, nuestra mayor alegría y tesoro.

¿Aprendes de nosotros? Quizás sí, quizás no
¿Aprendemos de ti? ¡Siempre!
Nos recuerdas a nosotros mismos a tu tierna edad
y cómo veíamos todo.
Cuando crezcas, no dejes de ser quien eres,
no pierdas tu inocencia, sé un niño siempre.


again I’m here, watching a part of a tree stained with colorful water. I await that flows the lines that give shape to the amorphous. The others are waiting for their moment to be used. Poor of them. They think they are worth it - sadly it isn’t so- and the other will never be used… or that’s what the colorful liquid makes them believe. They will, but in time. Just as your virtues will be known by all when the clock stops flowing and the cuckoo bird no longer breathes… Even if it’s late, we’ll all value what you were in life.


Otra vez estoy aquí, viendo una parte de un árbol manchado de agua colorida. Espero que fluyan los trazos que dan forma a lo amorfo. Los demás trozos se quedan aguardando su momento para ser usados. Pobres. Creen que valen la pena -tristemente no es así- y otros jamás serán usados… o es lo que el colorido líquido les hace creer. Serán usados, pero a su tiempo. Así como tus virtudes serán conocidas por todos cuando el reloj pare su fluido y el pájaro cucú ya no respire. Aunque sea tarde, todos valoraremos lo que fuiste en vida.


And if the happiness we want, we already have it? What would happen if all the mysteries had already been discovered? If all doubt finally was dissipate and there is nothing left to invent or dream. With nothing to know, we’d destroy everything pretending that we don’t know anything: Just like now. We already have all the answers and more than we really need. However, we pretend to ignore it to keep living and thinking that there is something left to do. We know the true, but don’t want to accept it, because of our salvation.


¿Y si la felicidad que queremos, ya la tenemos? ¿Qué pasaría si todos los misterios ya hubieran sido descubiertos? Si toda duda finalmente fuera disipada y ya no quedara nada para inventar o soñar.

Sin nada qué saber, destruiríamos todo fingiendo que no sabemos nada: Justo como ahora. Ya tenemos todas las respuestas y más de lo que realmente necesitamos.

Sin embargo, pretendemos ignorarlo para seguir viviendo y pensando que queda algo por hacer. Sabemos la verdad, pero no la queremos aceptar, por nuestra salvedad.


If you dedicate it, remember that you can fail
if you say, do it with the heart.
No for illusion or because they answer you something similar,
but because it’s what you feel.

If you sing it, let the passion flows.
That the “cocks” and the detune are the song.
The reason is not in others: no today.

If you declare it, prepare the heart for a “no”
Sometimes is better keep low expectative
and be surprised to don’t fall down dejected
for an impulsive feeling.

If you dedicate it, let every word you say have life.
If you dedicate it, let every thing you do have life.


Si se lo dedicas, recuerda que puedes fallar.
Si se lo dices, que sea de corazón.
No por ilusión o porque te responda algo similar,
Sino porque es lo que sientes.

Si se lo cantas, que fluya la pasión.
Que los “gallitos” y la desafinación sean la canción.
La razón no está en los demás, no hoy.

Si se lo declaras, prepara el corazón para un “no.”
A veces es mejor mantener expectativas bajas
Y ser sorprendido para no caer abatido
Por un sentimiento impulsivo.

Si se lo dedicas, que tenga vida cada palabra que digas.
Si se lo dedicas, que tenga vida cada cosa que hagas.


-You shouldn’t say bad words
-Because that’s from adults [spoiler]f…[/spoiler]
-Just for that?!
What an injustice that!
-Let me end first!
It’s from [spoiler]fucked[/spoiler] adults
You can do something yet.
We no longer.


  • This poem is a conversation between and grandpa and his grandson.


-Vos no debes decir groserías, patojo.

  • ¿Por qué?
    -Porque eso es de adultos j…
    -¿¡Y sólo por eso!?
    ¡Qué injusticia ésa!
    -¡Dejá que acabe de hablar primero!
    Es de adultos jodidos.
    Vos podes hacer algo todavía.
    Nosotros ya no.

For its format I had to write it in Word and take a screemshoot.



For personal reasons I won’t publish the story called “Andersson.” I won’t reply any question about this.


Tomorrow I’ll go on my pc and post a proper reply… :blush:

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So beautiful and to touching your your heart in this

Ok!Read all!

The I O R:

:thinking: It would be better If one think before saying something “weird”… That’s the moral to me…

Destiny: Could I ask if it is referred to a/your mother? you don’t have to answer me if you don’t want to! :hugs:

Sometimes it’s better to not find a sense… some things have to stay without explanation to go on… :muscle:

She: the beauty of your stories…from senseless to sweet words… :smile:

Heart of peace: :thinking: a new awareness… a reborn…that’s the feeling I have reading this piece…

Sleep monologue: dreaming thoughts and a sense of uncertainty…

Freedom: I understood that the person who searched for freedom is dead, but I could be wrong…maybe he/she only chose a wrong path and now is fighting with the consequences of it…or is “lost in desperation”…

Time: Is it referred to the fact that you, the writer change your style, arguments and so on year to year?how could I say…that you grown up with your thoughts and it’s reflected in your writings…


Exactly! :thinking:


I was thinking about it and then saw your words! :smile: :blush:


That could be a dedication to all people… even if nobody knows you or nobody pay attention to you now, there will be a moment when someone would appreciate you and what you do/did (not necessarily after death…).



If you…:


Bad words:

:+1: Kids should learn seeing others mistakes… :roll_eyes:

The love: :thinking: I think that depends on the people involved and the kind of love…

End!! what a loooong reading session! :smile: :sunglasses: Thanks for sharing!

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I’m sorry! I forgot to reply you! I’m sorry!

No, this story is not related with me. It’s fanciful.

I had to read it because I remembered other different thing. And “she” was created when I was thinking in something in concrete.

Someday maybe I get one for me. It should be this year btw.

This text was created for make you think in the possibilities, so you must find out for yourself.

TBH I like this more than I originally had thought.

Read again, the answer should be there :wink:

You got it!

Some persons should teach other what are the consequences of do some things.

I’m sorry again for my late.

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Don’t worry dear brother! It’s ok! :smile: :sun_with_face: :hugs:

I’m going to read NARPOE again… :thinking:

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@IronSoldier16 I read and read and read again… :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:
What am I looking for?? Do I have to search in the Spanish or English version? Is it an acronym? a code? a name? an anagram?? :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

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Wooow, came here after a couple of days and read all in one rn… that’s just makes me a bit - overwhelmed- have to read it carefully and step by step again- but what I can say right now is that your way of writing is made to get directly into my limbic system- and cause a hyper arousel there- very inspirating and congrats for your talent and skills man! Further detailed feedback will follow…

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You’re close. Not exactly in the story, but in the book. That’s all you need.

@theearlywalker thanks, I’ll be waiting for them.


@IronSoldier16 you must write a poetry book!!! what are you waiting for??

Ok- tonight, I must confess I really forgot about it… sooo sorry bro :no_mouth:… thanx for the reminder :blush::+1:t2::sunny:

Hi there!

Actually nothing, but my stories are product of a spontaneous moment, all of them. I can’t write something that I love if I force it.

In the case of “a veces” I tried to write 24 stories and I did it, but the result was/is disappointed for me, only 2 stories are more than less good.

@theearlywalker ok, I’ll be waiting for them.


@IronSoldier16 I don’t mean that you have to force it. But those stories you write here could be in a book! :hugs::hugs: