Portraits of a Masked Mind

This year should be published, but it isn’t ready yet, I want that my first book have 100 stories, poems and more. I have like 75 now.

This is my year! :smiley:


I hope so!!!:hugs:

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it is… I am sure about :smiley: and here is my feedback finally:
the importance of reading
we already talked about this one, you described this kind of person ( or part in all of us?!) very impressive, lol, arrogant, underestimating the tasks, overestimating himself, and exactly this makes Rene fall, and this failing just mirrors him how unperfect he is, in his arrogant attitute. The way you described this guy in your story is just giving most ppl the feel to know this part exactly, from the inside… as part of ourselfs (but yeah, we talked about it) but it´s just impressive like wow :clap:

as I feel like each of your stories, poems are describing colours of all of us, the “destiny” is talking about our deeamonds, the circle thoughts we all have from time to time, not ending and causing this feel you describe or make us feel with your lines on that.

She seems to me like a loveletter, and it would make every lady happy, it contains lots of peace, nostalgie and hope…

now it´s late (22:22 already… and I don´t want to rush with my words, cause it needs time to get your words entirely… and they are soo full of sense and meaning, that it would be a pitty to not give them the time and deepness to read them… so for tonight it just mine to say: … to be continued… and respect for you work

have a good day bro :sunny: and goodnight :moon: from my side


Heart of peace - another familiar kind of thoughts, I just feel like: yes, that’s the state of mind everybody likes to achieve after leaving or being left, but to know it was for the best and that it just takes time to heal

Sleep Monologue nostalgia, acceptance and rationalisation, feels like setting a full stop to whatever - followed by Freedom, the wish of everything to be calm and well, is it only achievable if the other or oneself is dead? Makes me think about the wish of each of us to have a switch off button to turn whenever life plays hard or if our mind is in the „why me“ circle thinking… flows over to the „Time, I just say“, which is valuing the aspect that time passes, and that it seems to be like everything is same one over the other time, makes me think, yes- it’s like this, it’s a natural law, like the seasons are, all is just running cycles and we are supposed to go and grow with them to maybe get on a higher ground- to run another circle- maybe for the next decade- to learn and find new ways, experiences and feels satisfied- to become unsatisfied again- cause -I guess, only this leaves us moving, and who really can belive or hope for oneself that the only way is up? Maybe we continue in making the same experiences over and over again until we find new ways to handle them in a new way- and therefor your sentence: „second for second I discover myself“ I would enlarge with „and I learn about myself“ and the line of sharp edges fits here too: „what does not kills us makes us stronger“ …

Narpone, about making decisions, and being able to move on- from the laming to the motion, always good to get on this point, out of depression maybe… -

Freedom-the inner child that we always forget about, to care and shelter it- because it is our spirit, and I love that you are aware of it and give him these lines, I will save them to not forget and to be lovely with him < 3

Ok, now it’s 6:24- your stories made me a good waking up and I feel like my eyes are wide open now, the rest of the stories I will enjoy afternoon today! Have a goodnights rest bro, and cya later :grin:


Wonderful :heart_eyes:

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Thanks, he has been from the few characters that I worked in his temperament.

I love this part of your commentary.


No exactly, but you’re close.

I will try this the next week :slight_smile:

Thanks for that, I really appreciate that you have taken the time to tell me this :blush:

About this: This story is based in something real, now there are ten years…

Wow! You created an excellent connection between 3 of my stories. That’s amazing, I were never thought like that about them.

This can fit too, but Narpoe is something concrete, for me it’s my motivation.

We shouldn’t forget them.

Thank you!!! :blush:

@lpfan61 did you find out the answer?


Thanx for the answer, I will go on reading today :sunny:, looking forward to it! :sunny:

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She means diamonds.

She often spell things wrong, cuz she pronounces them wrong.

Correct pronunciation:

Noooooo!! :scream: but don’t tell me nothing for now…want to read better… :blush: :muscle:

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The importance of reading was a nice history. :blush: I liked it. :+1::+1:

Destiny? Was short and sweet! :blush::blush::sparkles:

She ! :smiley::smiley: Theif of the feelings! Loved that last line and it expresses that exact feeling :+1::smiley::sparkles: ookay… do she = ella :blush::blush:
That was the name i kept for girl in my first ballad… i remember! :upside_down_face:

Heart of peace was like a heart longing for peace :relaxed::relaxed: nice one again!

Sleep monologue! Haha! Dream and reality! :relaxed::blush:

TIME: I JUST SAY was soo nice! :grinning::grinning: You know kinda poem… liked that second to second… minute to minute…

Innocence this was the one! :grinning::sparkles::sparkles: I loved it at the first line! Awessoomee!! :smiley::relaxed:
This writing just stole my heart! So simple short, sweet and Awesome!!

Tree had a beauty in it… along with the message! :relaxed::relaxed:

Narpoe what is the meaning of the word? The writing was nice tho… :+1::confused:

Mysteries !! Was really soo nice! :grinning: We’ve got all the answers but we still find them. Haha! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

If you dedicate it had a true message brother! :grinning: That’s really nice… if we work hard we should never expect it to be perfect always! :sparkles::+1:

Love was nice… have your own pet! :laughing::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Aandd overall!! From where do you get idea?!:hushed::hushed: I am finding a theme since 3 days… what to write about… its like i want to write but what?! I still couldn’t figure out. Tmro’s the last day of my good sweet enjoyment. I’ll write Something but dunno what… but I’ll surely write smthng! I loved the way you carve the words…and the teachings as well! like awesome dude. Keep writing!! :pray:

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Deemonds: a very bad misspelling of deamons… :joy::joy: ( and as always if I fail on spelling sth it’s time for a hug and kiss for my darling @spellingmistake- btw dear… shall we share our excitement with the soldiers?? :heart_eyes::tada::notes::star2::confetti_ball::champagne::clinking_glasses::tropical_drink::sunny:)

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I don’t want to be thát guy, but the correct spelling is ‘demons’ :grin:


:joy: :joy: :joy:




Loool- was writing the long post at it came as notifications and I am literally rolling on the floor while peeing in my pants same time :grin::laughing::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy: that‘s so cool that you are this guy @rickvanmeijel thank you- and looool - misspelled the new TUOU title too you guys- lool - please don’t comfort me with my spellingmistakes :joy: - gonna change it immidiately :blush::see_no_evil:

@IronSoldier16 sorry bro for spamming your thread with this- but it’s too funny :joy:


Hey! Everyone do it, English is not our maternal language, we do what we can.

I will bring the answer to the grave :wink: JK

I remember it! But I have a doubt Her name is Ella and it reads “Ela” right? Because in this case the word “ella” reads as “e-lla”

Two opposite things mixed in a store :slight_smile:

Aww :blush: thank you :3

That’s a good question! But I won’t say the answer wuajaja

You are, literally, in my mind. Everything comes from the spontaneous moments. Remember that “wishes card” that I wrote you for your birthday? It was a product of the moment and thinking about you.

Try not to think and just feel it! Let the words flow from your heart!

Thanks! I love your passion and sentiments which you write your works :heart_eyes:

Ahh demons! Ok, thanks @rickvanmeijel.


Be Welcome to:

Informal Roman 72

These are stories that I didn’t rembember I had written.
Year: 2013-2015.

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The complexity of the simplicity is the simplicity of the complexity.
Like the bird jumps, the pigeon flies. Like the cat meow, the dog barks…


I love the sound of the silence, it reminds me to your look.
While my memory lies in the space and the nights where I loved just disappear.


I passed to the other life for a tomb. There is so much light here, that I stay in the dark, now I live in the death.