Information, Guides, & Discussion

No worries, literally all the info you need is in the first post.

I made a logo for the bot (for an eventual better looking webpage). I wanted to make it somewhat resemble the bot’s skin in, but make it different enough to be original. The eyes are meant to look like vinyl records. I feel like the lightning bolt makes it look like a derpy looking owl though


Thank you,

you guys it was very fun and I would love to come back again. :blush::slight_smile::grin:.

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It looks like a normal owl upside-down :stuck_out_tongue:

I did not realize that.

Due to a bit of nonstop GIF spam tonight, I changed how the command works now. The cooldown is user specific, and now you have to wait a minute between uses

Edit: Meet dates have been updated to the end of February. The next one is actually today, but is the later one. Next one after is Friday at the normal time


@jFar920 Ok but what happen and also the day and the dates of the next meets.

Please god? [details=Summary]give me patience[/details]

I hope so. I o my best to be there :kissing_heart:

Heeey DARLING :hugs::kissing_heart: me too! I am for sure! :musical_score::sunny::notes::sunglasses:

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Was there another crazy squad gathering?

I guess it was you ! :joy:

@coolcat96 Sorry, I was out last night, glad Rob helped you.

Everyone else, sorry I left like that yesterday, I had internet issues and then I had to leave otherwise I’d have been late.


Np :smiley: I left kinda soon too! Still before you I remember? :smiley:

Nah it cool I understand :blush::relaxed::slightly_smiling_face:

It ok sometime we just have things to do not a big deal. It all good.:blush:

I’m on now… not sure how long I can stick around for. There’s a meet in about 7 hours too.

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lool just in six… Eva and me - proud soldiers - holding on… lol

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I want to join in but I don’t how many people will be there tho

Good enough for you?