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We’re on.

EDIT: 11 people now, nearly a new record I think.


seems you guys had fun! Great :grin:

What a crowd! Nice :smiley:

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We should consider a change of name. :smile:

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heeey you saw? yes, we exploring together right now…
#thanx at the host of hostS… @jFar920



btw, ya should think about a staff meanwhile… and I guess NOT everybody should get a resident dj so fast… this too random… and too much. @crizatu has a nice idea to get more public views …


Not sure if my idea involves any public views… I was thinking we all should contribute to create a playlist for RB… It’s just for the insiders :slight_smile: @theearlywalker


yes, but it is a nice idea, worth to share… and I guess we should consider this all together, next meet, kinda:
1 what do we want?
our cuddly :heart_eyes: lpu plug or do we want public? this
2 descision has to be discussed
because if we want public, it would be the next conequent stept, to go out and spread it… @crizatu, btw… ya a great soldier man!

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I don’t see any of your avatars:



ohhh, refresh? I just like ya join! :smiley:

Who are all these people?

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nice ones and traffic, as usual, Gabi and Crizatu you know, the others guests… :stuck_out_tongue:

Spinnypedia is the host/co-host of a community I usually go to…

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Then the catalina?

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ohh one by one?
data-issues… data-issues…
@samuel_the_leader just ask online!

Catalina seems to follow Gabi to lpu sometimes… She have been here before, it’s not the first time.

Loading issues… Connexion issues…

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Aren’t you sure it’s just @jFar920 answering as the bot? Otherwise this is a mayor improvement if it responds to your question like that. Nifty :slight_smile:

i feel dumb because I’m new and very easily confused :neutral_face:

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I’ve been here for a while and I am still confused :smile:
Welcome aboard.

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