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It’s usually during the weekend. We just like to pop in at random times during the week. The last few days I’ve been online by myself for quite a few hours. Everyone’s busy, that’s life.

That explains it…lol!

I specifically made the answers exactly what the real Magic 8-Ball would say, and took them from that Wikipedia article :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think I’ve ever owned one myself, but I thought they were pretty iconic. Toy Story has one in it.

If you’re ever alone on there, just say something here. If anyone is free, they’ll most likely join in. It’s been a busy few weeks for me lately, so I haven’t really been on


I know, but I always thought it was electronic.

anyone on tonight?

@theearlywalker You made me edit the welcome message of the sortin room:

500 error before I could logout:

I’ll try to be there by 18:30 GMT if anyone wants to join.

Plug is down for updates :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ok, so no plug today. I haven’t been on in ages.

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As information from plug: we re back online! :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe I’m being hypocritical considering I use a different room from time to time (mainly because I’m not playing music in the other one), but what’s the point of the other room?

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What’s the other room?

@theearlywalker I keep telling you to read your mail yet you don’t listen

Edit: For some reason, it ended up in spam.

I’ll try to come on tomorrow… I’ve lost track of meets etc though.

this my own personal one! :joy:


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Anyone on? I might join in half an hour or smth

joined in 23 hours, lol. RB is dead. Again.
Call the ambulance @jFar920))

He was dead yesterday too. He died of boredom.

lol, it was cuz had maintenance that day.