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Anyone on? I might join in half an hour or smth

joined in 23 hours, lol. RB is dead. Again.
Call the ambulance @jFar920))

He was dead yesterday too. He died of boredom.

lol, it was cuz had maintenance that day.

Ī™ā€™ll drop in in a bit.

Itā€™s empty, I might be there in about an hour.

Iā€™m also on now :slight_smile:

Finally Iā€™m home but I bet nobodyā€™s in there now. Maybe next time :slight_smile:

I didnā€™t really put it together that the bot would have been kicked if the site went down. Heā€™s back now


So howā€™s about a meet tonight guys? :stuck_out_tongue: The warm up seem to start real soon !
rb an meā€¦
lool he is a gentle man

it goes onā€¦


lol, Iā€™ll be there in an hour or smth

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this sounds good :blush:

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I might join in about 15-20.

open house :stuck_out_tongue:

Too tired, was a long day. Maybe next time :slight_smile: Have fun!

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RB soo charming tonight


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So is any one going to the Plug.DJ later.

If anyone is on now, I might come.

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Cool because I want to go on but my bro is use the laptop right now and my other bro is using the computer so yeah, but I will try to come later though. Because I havenā€™t been on Plug.DJ for quite a long time so thatā€™s why Iā€™m wondering if anyone is on.

@theearlywalker talked to me about getting the room more active again with a spring meet, which sounds like a good idea, but it comes back to an issue with the meets being kinda slow as of late.

I feel partially to blame because I havenā€™t kept up with the botā€™s meet date messages after I tried to shove in extra meets for the US that didnā€™t end up working. The meets were @the_termin8rā€™s idea originally, so maybe he or someone else in that general timezone should make the choice for when the meets should be again.

I know I just said that I should leave the meet decisions to someone else, but maybe they should just be an all day thing and we take the specific time out. I donā€™t know, like I said, my ideas didnā€™t seem to work too well, unless it was just a coincidence that people started to lose interest

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