Pics to words (apparently I need a longer title)

Is the Englishman just a Soldier? And the submarine a boat?

Yes, but soldier isn’t the word.

A very specific one.

Infantery? Rifleman? Footsoldier? Enlisted? Milita? Enemy?

So a submarine :sweat_smile:


You have to be very specific about the type.

Electric? Diesel? Nuclear?

No, more so the designation.

Oh, is it a museum submarine? Or retired?

Not that kind of designation. lol

Im hitting bedrock here I think :thinking:

Big clue: The sub is German.

Do we need to be more specific than u-boat?

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There you go. I’ll make it easier and say that u-boat = u = You.

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So we have “you god damn…” so far

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Is the picture of the soldier referring to a red coat?

Yes, it is.

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So is “you god damn red…” correct so far?

Yep, nearly there. Should be easy now.

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You god damn redneck


Yes, finally. You go.

Jesus that was a hard one, dont think I would have pieced that together without the Uboat help haha

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