Pics to words (apparently I need a longer title)


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Yaaaay :tada::tada: you are REALLY GOOD @the_termin8r :clap:t2: yes aircraft- you go !

I’m feeling experimental, here’s a phrase. :joy:


Assassin creed soldier :joy: lol

The bottle with msg when you go overseas…?

Please tell me that isn’t the only designation you know them by.

Why? :joy:
I’ve got very less reach. I know that… it is moree than a great thing for me rn :joy:

Because it’s like seeing a Lambo in real life and going “Hey look it’s that car from GTA!”

These guys were real and weren’t called ‘assassin creed soldiers’. :joy:

:sweat_smile::joy::joy: okay real people lol…
But in AC 3 the soldiers were sameee you know.

Is it a full sentence?

I know, but what names are they known by?

Closer to a phrase or exclamation.

Just the soldiers of the opponent army. They had a word bit I don’t remember it’s been very long playing.

Then out of my reach. I’ll cone to see the answer :stuck_out_tongue:

I meant in real life. lol

Thats the English uniform during Colonial/Victorian times no?

Here’s what I got: Submarine God Damn English Bottleneck (??)

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There you go

:joy: :joy: :joy:

Parts of that are correct.

I’m guessing the second and third pictures translate to god damn. I’m just not sure about the rest.

Yeah, that much is correct.

Is English also correct? So “God Damn English”

English is wrong.

Then what is correct?

God and damn are correct.

Okayiieeee !