Happy cakeday @achilleas7!
No birthday, it’s cakeday… It means the anniversary of when you joined the LPU or just created a forum account…
Ohhh so this is a cakeday, so cool! Thanks for explanation
No prob!
As I’ve been saying (here)
A slice of a pie cannot give praise to the pie. Pies never make themselves!
There’s always a grande Chef with a recipe, ingredients, the right mixture and most importantly,
the right amount of temperature and for the right amount of time.
That being said, and as i just finished my latest video
your warm hugs make me obligated to share a slice with all!
and mostly with
@lpfan61, @Marilau , @Lilyope , @framos1792 @chigokurosaki , @melisLP
, @adrianne62 , @the_termin8r
but it’s a big pie for all
Thank you LPU
i am one of U!
@chigokurosaki make sure you take the 2018 playlist from start.
you will understand more than everyone else! Shinigami stuff!
the rest should skip the first three long ones and return later.
This is of 2019 playlist.
“fresh out the kitchen”
cake day
from the 7th member of LP
Nice words!
Thank you! very nice of you!
make sure you eat a big slice my dear!
my vids always reward those observing and not judging themselves out early
i trust LP fans because that’s what made me…
my two brothers!
one down here and one up there now!
i bet he wants me to share the cake he shaped, with you
'dis for you dear @lpfan61 !
Wish you all the best the world can give a warm hug!
Awwww! You’re so sweet!
I’m sorry, but I didn’t understand this, lol.
Don’t worry I thought cakeday was the same of birthday too
the LPU surpasses even the birthday wishes one receives!
i stand in awe!
thank you all
@chigokurosaki playlist is here
three first videos are long ones but LP fans and mostly bleach fans should have no problem go through.
this is done for those watching and not for the rider. There are obstacles down the path…
it will all make sense as you proceed (14 videos in that playlist)
consider them pieces of the party pie
Happy 1st bday PT EP
Happy anniversary
Remember this day like yesterday
I don’t wanna know the end all I want is a place to start
Sometimes, sometimes you don’t say goodbye once, you say goodbye over and over and over again
They’re watching as I fall, staring as I go, I gave until my soul hurt and never told them so
Can’t believe that it’s a year already.