Happy birthday Rob Bourdon
Happy Birthday to our drummer boy, Rob Bourdon!! I wonder if the guys will crack jokes about finally being 40.
Happy birthday. Rob
And others I missed
Happy birthday Rob!
Happy Birthday to my favourite drummer, Rob Bourdon!
Happy Birthday Rob Bourdon!! Much love
Since you all liked the Rob’s image, here you go:
Happy Birthday Rob! (He probably has never taken one look at this website )
edit: ooh… join the community cake…
thank youuuu
I hope you enjoy this since i can’t give you a BIG HUG !!
great to be here everyone!
Thanks for the vid and here’s a biiiig sunshiny powerful virtual hug:
Have a nice day or night!
a small token of appreciation and gratitude you all!
because smiles mean everything dear @framos1792
i’d like to share a secret here…
but it has no words!
just smiles