"One More Light" Mega-Topic, Out Now!

And yeah, agreed. The album is something akin to a California 90’s summer hits collection LOL

looks at LPs picture sigh…and I had to delete it by spoiler tag moments ago :unamused:

But no, this can’t be an album cover, even for an artist/band who’s getting started, I mean, is just a photo, Even in Tumblr are better photos for album covers :confused:


If I really stop to think of it, if I had my kids on an album cover, it would be because I love them and I’m proud of them. It would also be a way to mark their place in time in the band’s music-creating career.


I won’t discuss that, I respect the purpose and that’s a good detail by them :slight_smile:

I just mean, this is really different from any other cover, but seeing it from that part, I don’t have anything to say. Probably I am talking before again and this will be the cover but not the final version of itself.

Oh my god. It is like they are teasing us a LOT. They are just releasing videos of them working in the studio (especially the one with Mike playing the piano). Hopefully, they will release a new single soon! CANNOT WAIT!!!

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If it is the cover, then I think it’s more symbolic than anything else. We’ve seen throughout this band’s history a theme with their album covers. They’ve always been really simplistic with minimal colors and no real significance to the music. Just a piece of art that goes along as a label to the music.
Now we have a nice, peaceful beach picture of children enjoying themselves, a sunset in the background. This is not just different in the sense that they’ve never had this kind of album cover, but they’ve never had this much humanity in an album. Think, the only other albums with people on it have had them in a bleak color scheme that showed a dark atmosphere. Minutes To Midnight and Meteora both are very depressing albums lyrically, less angry and more self-awareness and conciousness. But still bleak. This is probably a hopeful record, just based on the cover.
I have a theory. Perhaps, this record is a loose concept record. The album can start with songs like Heavy, that will describe bleakness. They will describe a dark situation in which the narrator is fighting a dark presence in himself. But, towards the end of the record we will see them finding hope, just like in A Thousand Suns. God I hope that’s really the case.


I feel like I just screw it up everytime I talk. Im really sorry,
I don’t want to ruin the topic anymore with wrong comments. @everyone

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@dr_64 Don’t feel the need to apologize. You’re human. We all are, we all make mistakes. Besides, what’s the worst that can happen if you accidentally spoil something for someone? We can all lI’ve with less surprise. Personally, I think you contribute a lot to the topic.
I also wanted to say though, I just rewatched the “Drum Idea” video. I have to say, the instrumentation sounds pretty good, a lot better than I first thought. But it’s obviously still a demo at that point, one because Rob still had to drum and two because of the way Chester sounded.


There’s no such thing as a wrong opinion. Also, it’s perfectly fine that you didn’t know to hide certain information. We’ve spent the last year or so talking about rumors, speculation. and tiny bits of official info, and just today is when things kinda changed (and I would blame that partially on the band, who releases lyrics to a song half a week before it’s supposed to release?). What is deemed as “too much” is going to vary from person to person


@dr_64 what’s up with you geez you just ruined the whole experience for me and for everyone else tisk tisk :joy: :joy:

I actually have no idea what you spoiled lol i been out the loop
As @Im_Normal said I think y’all contribute quite a lot to the thread and make it easy for anyone to keep up to date, so thank you instead :+1:

Handful of days and the spoilers/trolls/previews will be done withhhhh

Another quick note…
Kiiara makes terrible music. Which is a shame, because she has a great voice. Since it’s Linkin Park directing the music here, I hope have confidence her voice will be put to good use. As for any chemistry she might have with Chester, if he stays in his softer, more emotional range then I see a ton of it. I also see her having great chemistry with Mike. What if we perhaps get a song where all three sing in perfect harmony together? That would be gorgeous as far as vocals go.


I wake up and see how so much has been done in 7 hours. The album cover… and the lyrics…
Will talk about them later in detail.


Well thank you guys, I just like to put here what is coming too and speculate with you.
All what I read here is really interesing because most of these comments are almost what I have though about the album.
Sadly I am not clear sometimes and I don’t say all what I have in mind at that moment :no_mouth:

Out of that, yes this record seems to be influenced by indie pop and a little bit of trip hop, and It sounds interesing. but I am still hoping to hear that rare and genuine style by them that “weirdest sound, chord progression” Mike mentioned before. At least one good interlude and see how many other things they added for us in this self-improvement album.

Super pumped, I’m really intrested to see what’s gonna happen. That’s one of my fave things about LP they never sears to blow my mind. Every album I say welp they’ve basically tried everything what are they gonna do now and then boom something new and different it never fails… They are unpredictable and fearless. You never know what’s gonna come and that is one of many reasons I love them!! So artwork, lyrics, and a February 16 (this Thursday) release date… getting close! :blush::blush:


That’s supposed to say cease btw

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It’s by no means a big deal, but you can edit posts if you click the little pencil under your post. Stops clutter and saves you from embarrassing typos

Whoa! A lot of things were going on while I was asleep.(I live in Bangladesh,btw)


Who else is spending yet another Valentine’s day as a single pringle here?


I still don’t believe that’s the album art…I can see it when I think of the fact that this is a very personal album for them, but this is quite unlike any other album from them before. Should be interesting!


First time this decade :weary:

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