"One More Light" Mega-Topic, Out Now!

I’d be ok with that.

I like that sound except for the intro. I mean, let’s be honest here though. The guys most likely aren’t returning to that sound. They want to progress, and I bet they’ll genuinely surprise all of us.

If I’m looking forward to any aspect of this record, it’s in the vocal department. I can already tell this album will probably focus more heavily on singing and melodies and less on rapping. But with the emotional content they’re going to provide, I can already see Chester with some incredible power and raw energy in his voice this time around.


Yes I agree… each song is gonna deliver a message and it’s gonna do it with vocal power! As far as sound goes I don’t expect anything cause you ever know with Linkin Park “expect the unexpected” lol


Well there’s still some level of predictability when it comes to this band. They aren’t going to just fly off into some sweet reggae or Ska punk on us. They’ll probably never so metal core, and I doubt they could ever bring themselves to make a full on bubblegum popen record. However, they will probably travel as far into pop territory as they can without losing their edge and reputation.


We live in an era now, where all sorts of music have started to blend together and one can’t even tell the difference anymore between a pop, hip hop or techno song. Our music heroes from the late 90’s early '00s want to make sure they still fit in somewhere… Which isn’t a bad thing perse. I hope Linkin Park won’t lose their edges… I hope they don’t wander too far into the sugary pop genre. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind experimenting and I enjoy all sorts of genres, but… I’m hoping it won’t become a nightmare like Recharged was…


Recharged was certainly disgusting.

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I agree with you on that. The only song I didn’t mind and still like is A Light that Never Comes but I don’t mind some of the remixes such as the burn it down remix. At least that one didn’t sound like lots of noises together

New clip is out! " “Onem”



That video player is really placed awfully on there. Part of the video is cut off at the bottom. I’m really excited, with all these clips, I hope there’s a DVD and not just LPTVs (or even better, both)

Also, “onem”; “One More”? That would leave a letter out, though


Very interesting makes me even more interested in the sound… I’m so curious lol

Ok… So the question is what side did they pick,the weird one or the poppy one?



(must be 10 characters to post)

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Yeah that’s a probability.Honestly, I wouldn’t mind if it is a good quality album.

Onemonth? Maybe? Or too obvious? Ugh!

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LPL tweeted that they believe it’s one month … but if that’s the case one month till what? I don’t think it’s a single because the single is dropping in like 1-2 weeks… and I believe that this album may have a mix. For example lyrics defined the music on this album right… so I think if the lyrics of angry it’ll be an angry sound if they are happy it’ll be kind of poppy or if they’re sad it’ll be more of a ballad. Either way I’m exited


If a space between letters counted as a day, then maybe it could be On Empty. Saying that, I still believe it’ll be One Month lol

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Anyone seen the video on Facebook about the band wanting to take risks?



i can’t watch at school :persevere:

I don’t know what to think about this new video… I only hope that they made a good album…

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It made me scared… I hope Mike is just trolling us…