"One More Light" Mega-Topic, Out Now!

Going back to the point… When can we estimate the new single will be heard by us?
Who gives more? (just a joke)

It was not disrespectful by any means. If someone’s only language is Español, are we (fellow fans) gonna tell them to F off? Speak Inglés or GTFO? Don’t worry homie, speak your language. Others can use a translator if they really wanna know.

Yo sabo un poco Español.


My best bet is that something will be released tomorrow, considering that most music releases occur on Fridays; either a single or most likely a preview for it. Maybe we’ll get audio tomorrow or next Friday and in about 2-3 weeks we’ll get the music video?


But people from many different countries following this thread to get news of LP7. Many of them don’t understand Español. But as English is an international language, everybody can understand English . obviously you can talk in your language , you have the right to do so. I just said it is preferred that you talk in English .

It’s all good
We’re all here for the same reason
It’ll be kept to a minimum if any
Back on track, bets for tomorrow?! I say yes to a single yes to a surprise shock after hearing and I’ve got my guess on single being upbeat in same vein as thp with softer melody by kiiara

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I’d like to bet it for tomorrow but…I don’t think they’ll just drop it without a little teaser video with a snippet first. We have to know a little bit of what we are going to listen before get the whole song, don’t we? :no_mouth:

Can’t remember if they did it like that before THP but I saw that earlier preview for Guilty All The Same

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You’re a little new in this thread. So when you say “it is preferred”, don’t come off as though you’re speaking for everyone as a whole, when really you mean “I’d appreciate it if you spoke in English for my sake.”

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That is kinda true…they’ll wanna build it up as if it needed to anymore
Speaking of, I hope the videos are 360
I never realized what the 360 meant cause I wasn’t watching it(welcome) on YouTube app or whatever
I saw it today and I was like mind blown spinning around like an idiot
I’d like to see more of that in these mvs

I guess they’ll post more hint pictures tomorrow, maybe with a clearer message?

About 360 videos, I like them, but sometimes you can’t enjoy the same because you are spinning around and camera shots change every 3-5 seconds :confused:
I hope they also release standard versions in that case

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Yeah they are trippy in that sense but I bet with time they’d get more and more creative with the use
Mike was pretty much just wanting to show off his new toy in welcome and that one studio tour a while back but I’d figure they’d incorporate it more somehow

Well for all we know, they could simply just reveal album info tomorrow, such as name, release date, cover art, etc. and maybe a preview of the single. But you’re right, we may still have more time left before we hear new music.

All I know is we have less than 14 days until a brand new style, brand new process, COMPLETELY DIFFERENT LINKIN PARK SONG!!!


I wonder how much and what kind of content its coming on this new one, speaking by lyrics, concept and musical elements, how much they really changed and achieved now, if this change is more compared with past albums,I can’t wait again :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m stoked about the lyrics
I’ve liked most in past albums and if they’re focusing more on that then I expect the words to burn through
It can’t come soon enough!

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Do you know something curious? and a little bit melancholic for me

All this seems to be a new stage for the band, another rebirth with more meaning. New ways to see, write and sing music, a complete change on their proccess.

Now taking this in mind and the fact that their last music video/single was “Final Masquerade” …I don’t know, this begins to work as a farewell for that heavy/resentful and hopeless stage of Linkin Park in just one video. Where the same vibe of song is saying “goodbye” to itself.

Some people also said it felt as their last video/song, by the way how it was recorded and presented, but now it just feels as their last rock LP song in a long time, maybe the last one where they sing with pain or despair about something.
Just think about it, for example:
"We both keep on waiting…for what we left behind…"
this also fits for some of us who once wanted them to go back to their first style and now its impossible.

Check it with that in mind, maybe you’ll feel the same.
Plus… that last classic Linkin Park beat at the end with them just standing like “ok…this is it” just makes everything more nostalgic…like…the true farewell :sweat:


I might just be biased in my view of that song because it screams out to me relationships and cause I’ve heard it from day one in that context but I’d agree in it being the end of a cycle for them
Thp was their growing up album and that was coming from them at that point so if anything I would have said that song was the end to their experimentation
I think from the point after m2m they were comfortable with who they were and just pushed the envelope more and more without really worrying about people saying they needed to go back to ht and meteora
This next one will be like their view on who they are at their core-a blend of all they’ve done before after having taken so many tangents
They’ll be doing the things they liked best and what worked best for them out of pure confidence

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Did noone read the tweet LPA shared? Someone pointed out there are 28 different sections of colour in the third image which correspond to 28 days of feb. Also since the logo is on the 13th section it probably means there is new music coming on 13th. I think all the sections mean something since they all have different colours. For example, the first block is white so white must mean nothing happens. Also if you go further the two dark blue sections come together which might mean the shooting of their music video with kiiara since they fall on that date. Thats just my opinion.What do y’all think?


Forget it people it’s probably all just a big troll move. I cant stop laughing tho. XD


LOL . Here comes trollnoda. who tweeted that?LPcatalog?

Yup. Its LP catalog. No other site has found this out yet. ( Wow this is the 1000th post on this thread. Woot woot.)