"One More Light" Mega-Topic, Out Now!

Something else is being said lately




damn it!!
what the hell?! lol
I mean once u see the ponies I was like oh no but theres still a tiiiiny voice in the back of your head saying “Expect the Unexpectedddd” so you click on it and youre like ok its a build up then the lyrics then you just wanna curse mike out after that

He’s still posting stuff like that :joy:

New single never felt so close (?

You guys, don’t you know Mike by now? Never, ever click on a link he posts. He’s a troll.


I can smell it round the corner. It’s here.

Even though his trolls are funny, I am kinda sick of them :smile: His next post should better be the new single xD

So, Mike and Chester played new music at the iHeart Radio/Warner Bros conference last night.

Also, who is Kiara??



they played the
to the “warner-family” :joy: ?

Mike was signing some postcards in his Instagram feed, what was up with that?

Yeah, has to be the thank yous to people they somehow helped with/were part of/supported in whatever way the process of making the album.

Ok, I thought all the ambassadors were getting a special thank you letter from Mike :smiley:

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Maybe, yeah.


The hype-train is about to depart


yessssss at least !!!

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I missed a bunch of that while I was asleep. So, Linkin Park performed some new stuff live, they might feature Kiiara on a song, and they might be releasing it soon? Also if Kiiara is on a new song then I’m not very hyped for that song. Let’s just say I didn’t enjoy her “Low Kii Savage” record.

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They actually played?! Wow!

not confirmed

I’d get along well with him. I know I come of as an ass sometimes, but I’m really a laid back transvestite that likes to laugh under my breath.

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By played live, I didn’t mean perform. Sorry for the confussion everyone.