"One More Light" Mega-Topic, Out Now!

Ok people. I dunno if its been discussed in this forum before but I came across this and some of the song titles are new for me. It feels like a wacko,dark psychological trip.

Jon Green? Like the guy who does Crash Course in World History and who wrote The Fault In Our Stars?

Jon Green, not John Green.

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Then Whoā€™s Jon Green?

A member of the band The Bonfires.

Oh okay. What kind of music do they play?

I hope to see some real news when I wake up tomorrow :sweat_smile:

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Iā€™ve no idea.

Okay, thank you anyways for correcting me.

Now that I think about itā€¦ What if the album is self-titled? Just a thought, but seriously, they donā€™t have a self titled album, so thereā€™s a good chance.

Hey arent you the same guy whose on google plus and whose fav LP song is MTG?

I was on Google+, but I got rid of it. And my favorite song changed since then. Waiting For The End is it right now, but Mark The Graves is probably my second favorite. Nice to see you remember me though. :laughing:

Ha I see. Cant forget anyone with that spongebob profile pic.

seems to become a traffic topic, this oneā€¦ congraz @NickGr

lol, what? this isnā€™t mine , my thread is concert one



It is funny because I know Both languages xD

what is he actually talking about?

Some lazy ass dude
The reporter asks what the hardest job heā€™s ever had was
He says working at the beach but then goes on about getting jobs and asking for the day off the very next day
That he kept doing that at every job or something like that
You can hardly understand what heā€™s saying towards the end
The video itself is funny because of the Mike comments lol

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Waiting for a Untitled album that never comes :sweat: I want it!!! I canā€™t resist the anxiety