"One More Light" Mega-Topic, Out Now!

And I’ll be laughing my arse off, for I didn’t board the hype train :joy:

I just became a fan last year, and so this is the first album release I get to be a part of. That’s pretty much all the hype for me.




Same for me, I just used to listen their songs somedays before.

How is his wife’s Instagram relevant? No offense to her, but I couldn’t care less about her, I’m here for Linkin Park and its members.

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What if she already knows everything about the album and Mike gave it to her to release it? :slight_smile:

Not a chance in hell

Considering a how much of a troll lord Mike is, who knows.

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I believed when he said they lost all their previous work before I knew they just started a few months before that.

Actually, there is a big chance Mike’s wife knows a lot more about the supposedly long awaited album than any of us here on this forum…


I don’t disagree with that, but it isn’t her business to be relaying that information. It wouldn’t happen.

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Well… That sentence right there just made absolutely no sense. Good for you.

Well it is not her business but I would not doubt if Mike were told her sometime how its going and talked about a couple of themes of the album already.

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He would have showed her and probably discussed with her, but I’m sure she wouldn’t give anything away to the public.

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Alright Gatsie, I guess I’m gonna have to sit down and explain this one to you, which is perfectly okay. Some people just need a little bit more explanation. So… Mike’s wife most definitely knows what is going on with the album, yes. That I agree with you on 100℅ (one hundred percent). However, she still ceases to be relevant because she is not in any way associated with LINKIN PARK as an entire entity, and therefore does not have the right, privilege, entitlement- whatever you want to call it- of releasing information about the album before any of the other band members (including her husband), or associated acts & personnel.


Lol that was a great in depth explanation :joy::+1:t3:


i’m patiently waiting :grin:

Well of course none of the family members of the band will ever say anything about the band’s album and other band related information. Nobody ever said here that Mike’s wife would do that. Nobody ever on here stated such a thing. All that was stated was that there is a big possibility that she knows more than any of us here on the forum… Just that.

I was more curious why anyone on here would think that just because someone says “the wife knows” that same person also thinks that the wife will spill the beans about what she knows? And get all defensive about it too? Why? Seriously, there’s no need for it… And to me, that just makes no sense. But hey, that is my view on this and I am entitled to that. Just as much as you are entitled to assume that your explanation actually was needed… But thanks for explaining the obvious. Good for you…

As for when the new album comes out. Patiently waiting is all there is to it. One could assume that since they are playing festivals soon they might share new material during those shows too. We’ll see.


Is there any chance the single is coming out this Friday?

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There’s a chance, but like before that’s just speculation. I do think that they would announce the release of the singles before they release them, maybe the day before.

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