"One More Light" Mega-Topic, Out Now!

I think I’m most surprised at the fact that less people like The Hunting Party compared to their other albums, considering it’s probably their heaviest album.

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If I find the thread with the albums I’ll link it but till then, my list would be something like this:

  1. Meteora (My first real understanding of the band and music in general, a gem to my heart)
  2. A Thousand Suns (I consider it the greatest and most mature album/music in general LP has ever released. I have very strong feelings about this record and it’s probably the proudest thing I am of them, I like to brag about it a lot)
  3. The Hunting Party
  4. Minutes To Midnight
  5. Hybrid Theory
  6. Living Things (My least favorite by far, unless OML turns out to be worse than I expect)

Back on topic, I’m finding it harder and harder to resist listening to Battle Symphony. I read and hear people say how it’s better than Heavy and I’m curious. I’m still trying to hold on though.


#WEARELPU #LP2017 #OneMoreLight


My favorite are

  1. Meteora
  2. Hybrid Theory
  3. Minutes to Midnight/ A Thousand Suns
  4. The Hunting Party
  5. Living Things

I’m really interested in seeing/hearing the set list for the upcoming tour! I just want to know how the organize it mixing OML album with the older stuff and blending it smoothly! Also I like battle symphony a lot! Chester vocals are amazing! I like it better than Heavy but I also really liked heavy cause it’s so relatable! There honestly better not be more than one more single (to me 3 is the max for a 10 song album)… but I may try to not to listen to the 3rd single!

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@evooba hold on strong and don’t listen to it, it’ll be more satisfying in the long run!


Here (Argentina) Heavy is sounding all the time in radio station :blush: :smile: easily every day since the song got out to public


Can’t wait for the new single now :open_mouth: that sounds really interesting to me.

Also the radio seems to have stopped complaining as much now that BS was dropped. They seem almost excited, whereas before they were complaining and saying that Heavy was too pop and they weren’t sure where it was going or what they were thinking.

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Well I use to listen them all, but some ones more than others lol so my current order is:

1.Living Things
2.The Hunting Party
3.A Thousand Suns
5.Hybrid Theory
6.Minutes To Midnight

But I swear I enjoy all of them, when Im in the correct mood, all those leave me satisfied.

Also @cincybmxlpfreak I loved the rare and cool beat of UIB :smiley: Skin To Bone was simple but the sound and lyrics are good for me, I like to play and “sing” it on acoustic guitar.


I think that radio like all media prefers the controversy, if people talk a lot, even if it is in a negative way attracts attention and is publicity for free … Many people who have not heard LP for years and who did not even know about the launch of Album “The Hunting Party” were now reborn from the ashes “to give their opinion”


My favorite’s are

  1. A Thousand Suns
  2. Meteora
  3. Minutes To Midnight
    4.Hybrid Theory
    5.The Hunting Party
  1. Living Things/A Thousand Suns
  2. Minutes to Midnight
  3. The Hunting Party
  4. Meteora
  5. Hybrid Theory
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Chester’s interview :


I liked it. So clear and gives a wide open seek to their perspective not only about the album by from their actual lives.


SPOILER There’s a little snippet of Battle Symphony on 0:33-039


I wanna play…

  1. Mmm…Cookies
  2. Hybrid Theory
  3. Meteora
  4. Living Things
  5. M2M
  6. ATS
  7. Hunting Party

“I wouldn’t call it pop. just like I wouldn’t call it hip hop or rock. It’s just a Linkin Park album”
-mike shinoda 2017

Captures it perfectly


Linkin Park is its own genre :slight_smile:


Just because they did pop now, people exagerate with “what’s next?? flamenco?? opera?? Tibetan song??Reggaeton?? (a latin genre)” :laughing:

Man they’ll just step on the genre they like, and each genre has its own way to be sung and writen, so you can’t expect their lyrics to be same critical dark or agressive vocals like their rock phase. That’s the point of experiment and learn from new things.

But their sound is still there, some of us just can’t get used yet like when WFTE came out. Every genre they explore it becomes part of their sound once they make a song about it.

Even though, we could hear the change on Chester vocal style and the style of music LP was getting involved since Things In My Jeep, so that’s an idea of how he may sound if he sings louder (not screaming) lol


I got quite curious, how is hunting party so distant from meteora and hybrid? Usually I’ve seen them clumped either at top or the bottom

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