"One More Light" Mega-Topic, Out Now!

wow yesterday it said it was not, but today it does lol

That is really fast! I thought the second single would not come till April or something

EDIT this page says it won’t be a single Linkin Park Premieres The Lyrics To New Song "Battle Symphony" | Genius

Won’t be fooled next time!:joy:

Is a single different from an official single? It says in the lyrics page that it is the 2nd single whereas it is not the official single in the news page of the same website.

Confused! What??

I am sorry. I am confused too.

Don’t be sorry, I just want to understand what they’re talking about. Like is it going to be released or not? Lol

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It is going to be released. But the point is we are not sure if it is going to be out as a single or no. In genius, it said it was not a single before today. Now it says it is a single. In some other news page, such as the following link it says it is not a single.

Just a topic of discussion why am I thinking so much :joy:


I’m in love with the lyrics for battle symphony but that not any good news though because I always fall in love with all of their songs so yeah.

What the… So which one is it a single or not. I don’t want to be confused about this because I ever get confused about stuff like this.

Sorry for the dots I’m not suppose to curse so yeah.


Are you sure it’s releasing tomorrow? I haven’t listened to the leak and I can’t wait anymore.


Confusing what is real…


Me. This is me.


I heard a little of the song.

When the starting tune of battle symphony gets played at the end of the song during the chorus, I kinda feel nostalgic idk why.

Also, over the years, I have observed chester’s vocal style change during the live performances. Especially after 2010, he sings the songs of their first two(mainly) albums in a different, more lighter, melodious way. In my opinion, chester’s vocals has developed to a new style and has become a better singer in this way, which is clearly heard in battle symphony and a little in heavy.

A video update:


So who will be singing it just Mike or just Chester or are they both going to sing the song.

Think I see what your talking @runva2000 because it true that chester voice have change a lot because from heavy I feel that his voice is much more different and softer that’s my opinion.

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Love the background is not the same of the beach this time lol

Also yes, the page has been edited several times, since it is official, probably they were lately told it will really be the single :slight_smile:

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It’s gonna be a promotional single, but not an official single.


Makes sense

Oh OK, well yeah that do make sense.

Maybe this was supposed to be on youtube as teaser, as how the video is edited and looks. But maybe they didn’t put it out on Youtube bcoz it’s already leaked.


It’s happening :smiley:


Either wait for midnight in your area, or use a VPN, in order to listen: