Once upon another time

OK, so here’s a revised version of the set of rules displayed somwhere up this thread I’m also wondering what to name the thread, before I’ll start a new thread.

Shall I name it:

  1. Once Upon Yet Another Time
  2. Once Upon Some Other Time
  3. Once Upon A Time 3

Oh and here’s those rules. There’s 10 of them now. What you think?

Basic Role Playing Story Writing Rules / Guidelines :

1 Reply in at least 2 words.
2 Linkin Park characters cannot die
3 You may create a Role Playing Character. Which means you alone will control
this character. Never RP before? Read this: http://www.wikihow.com/Roleplay
4 Everyone gets to control 2 RPC’s max.
5 Killing off someone’s RPC may only happen when

A) The owner of the RPC is ok with this
B) The mayority of the other writers voted to kill the RPC

6 The moment you join the story with an RPC, whether it be in the beginning of the story or
after 300 posts: PLZ introduce your RPC.
7 Anything you want to discuss Out of Character or Off Topic, please put this between ( ) or [ ] and write OOF or OT in front. For example: [OT: I am out of toilet paper]
8 After every 100th post, the one who made the 100th post will have to throw a party for the
others. stuck_out_tongue
9 Be flexible and alert: We are writing a story together with several people so chances are the storyline might progress not exactly how you pictured it and there might be a lot of plot twists in the long run.
10 Have fun and be nice: It’s just a story game in the end :smile:

Oh great this conversation,I would like to tell, what the new topic names from my lovely@gatsie mean to me …yet another time mean to me: the same thing again, maybe in another version, but almost a little “boring”, the second version:once upon some other times mean to open it, for me, in sth kind of a every day story, the third tite Once upon another time 3 or maybe Vol. 3 or Part 3 means a sriens in wich the artist habve made a way, a process, a kind of dealing with sth, you Know, so my choice gets on the third issue (OT realy, don´t ya think, my english is growing???) No Im gonna watch WHO is

see ya later dudes :kiss:

@Gatsie What 100th post party btw???


With each 100th post, the person responsible for that 100th post will throw a party.

No I was asking what kind of party that every 100th poster must throw. Cuz u know we’re thousands of miles away from each other, so it’s online only.

@samuel_the_leader what kinda parties we can do online? Maybe in the tiny chat, with games via internet such asTruth or duty, etc, at least, the party will be made by the 100-post-dude so he / she decides, What When and were, and if there is no party mood, we do some yoga or have a beer together broadcasted, like it, its really creative, at least one thing for the rules

this is really a challange, let´s test it and if it isn´t working than at least for me, one sentence would be ok too.
(OT have to work today :grin:, maybe we start today? I like the rules, thanks @gatsie and her structurell talentsw, to write them down so clear, next thing is: I like to see, how we internalise our own rules, maybe someone who miss them, gets at first a yellow card, at second a red card and then…) looking forward, till this evening, :ok_hand:

Party? Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Just now I ate too many sugary pastries, so now I have chest pains.

@gatsie I vote for this, or we can name it as Once upon another time: Reloaded 'cuz we know most of the characters will be back.

@samuel_the_leader that’s why we need to have a party so that you dont stuff yourself with all the food :stuck_out_tongue: what I meant when i suggested the 100th post thing was like sending cash to each one of us when you make the 100th post :wink: The party maybe like dedicating a song to each individual who had contributed, or celebrating the post anyway you want. Nothing bigger, unless you want to.

@The_early_walker your english is better than when you started writing in here. I think it’s a good sign. All the best. :thumbsup:

Sorry you guys, had an active day so could only be here to reply just now.

@amitrish, Once Upon Another Time: Reloaded is a actually a great idea. Which gives me yet another idea! What about Once Upon A Time: Reanimated :stuck_out_tongue: ?

@The_early_walker, a whole sentence would of course be better, the #1 rule is basically there to prevent posts with just one word in it. Although a one word post could be fun, I do think it kind of slows down the story-progress. Your English is making great progress, by the way :smile:

@samuel_the_leader, if all else fails, you can always resort to posting this as a 100th post:

This also is a good thing to think about. What if someone fails to do things by the rules?

They will be sacrificed for the glory of the Satan, of course. What were you thinking?

@amitrish How dark your thoughts are, i think we´re a species from the planet lovebombers world, with a great spirit and the energy of wisdom & love? My characters will be, I hink it´s a story about the good and the bad Side of everything.
@gatsie: the name is great, reloaded or reanimated, both really nice title
@samuel_the_leader pl interduce your characters, eat some more sweets and than write your first post with a swirl in your stomache, it will have crazy energy,
and at least @alltogether: Let´s get it started in here…

Make your contribution here. Thank You!

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haha, that was seriously hilarious…

For some reason it wasn’t working but I did find it - http://couchtuner.ma/tv-lists/south-park/season-14-episode-2

I can’t wait for season 19 … only 63 days left till it airs… according to http://nextairing.com/season-premiers

hey guys!
I’m sorry i wasn’t online the last three months, but can someone update me what happened now? seems like the story ended.

@vicky_s welcome back! Yeah,the story in this thread has ended indeed. But we’ve even started a 3rd thread already. If you feel like participating again, you are more than welcome to join us here:

Thanks for the answer!
I’ll read the story by time, 450 posts, thats a lot.

wow, a third chapter, I definely join :stuck_out_tongue:

No problem :smile: The new thread is now almost 400 posts long and we don’t plan on ending it anytime soon. The more post and contributors, the more fun :smiley:

I´m so with @Gatsie, love it if you share @vicki_s join we need u!

O.T my brother is listening to Linkin Park I’m pissed he should stick to his reggueton.Lp is my music