Once Upon A Time [3]: Reloaded


Thank you! I´m always with you (reading the story) and glad that you are back in ;).

The best after a bad day is looking to the forum. Sometimes rolling laughing on the floor. A big thanx to all, especially @amitrish @The_early_walker @Gatsie @samuel_the_leader, who make that happend (also the 2nd parts before)

I´m not much creative and talented so I leave the writing to the pro´s and looking forward what happens next.

OT: Oh wow, thanks for reading @Susannchen! If you ever feel like adding a line to the story, don’t be shy. We all are just writing comes up to mind :stuck_out_tongue:

[OT: @Susannchen are you lying? I never thought anyone else was reading except for the 4 of us. :stuck_out_tongue: Don’t worry, just add whatever you want, we are very good in making stupid stories :wink:
@samuel_the_leader i am back mate. One of my laptops is dead now.]

@amitrish opened his eyes, an saw everyone was alive. Without wasting any time, he folded his hands in a prayer, and hailed the one and only…

OTnice topic button from me to you @susannchen, so trough the good and bad days you´ve gone with us??? What a nice surprise, thanx, an I feel with you laughing out loud at some posts, everybody benath me looked curios at me! ok, we´ll marching on…

OT[quote=“amitrish, post:525, topic:9863”]
are you lying?

Never! Can´t read every day, but read all. It´s really funny and reading “stupid stories” is actually relaxing. :sunglasses:

Definitly. Can´t wait what happend next.

so where are we right now?
The last thing, that Lulu after remembers after the rapidly stopping of the train was the feeling kinda determination, or maybe destiny, she starts shouting: Where´s the f*** frog I have to kiss? Come out or I come in, and then gods the only one who could bless you!!!

The Rest of the crew, including happy starfish, are handling their shock, looking at Lulu as she had become a bit strange, Scotty asks smoking like ever, Ladies, someone of you like a cigarette? Lulu didn´t even react on this, so @amitrish was the first, who lightnened up the scene: Quark, Quark, he got on his hands and feets like a frog, quoack, he seem to shout over to Lulu,

Within the blink of an eye, @amitrish became almost the spitting image with a twist of the one he prayed to. Now, @amitrish was Hypnotoad Toad.

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Uagh, Lulu cried, go away, I won´t kiss ya

So, none was understanding the conversation, as Doc Brown came into the wagon, Everybody out here,

(OT: So many things happened last night, I’ve no idea what’s going on.)

“Ok so where are we & wtf are we doing here?” @samuel_the_leader asked, having been in a grey daze.

“Hello? Are y’all smoking just plain tobacco, or are y’all smoking weed/pot/marijuana?”

ot no choice, no choose!
As all the other @samuel_the_leader got off his shok at first, Lorenzo came at first, here buddie, drink some fresh water, I thought we´ve been trough a

samuel grabs the bottle cause he really felt his thurstyness, Wow, what a journey, didn´t imagine to end up here, he wanted only to see a concert…

but hell, he wonders, it´s really nice here, look around here…

“Well. We will have to stay here for a while because my Time Train needs repairing. I have no idea how long this will take.” Doc Brown said.

He had a worried look upon his face as he and his son inspected the train wreck.


“That’s just great.” said Scotty as he finished his cigarette, only to light a new one.
“You do smoke a lot.” Phoenix said.
“My smoking is the least of our troubles, mate.” said Scotty with a weird grin on his face.

“We might as well explore the area a bit. Maybe we can find some resources to help repair the train with.” Mike suggested.
“If we are going to stay here for a longer while, we will also need to prepare a place to stay.” added Scotty.
“Good idea. Let’s make team to do this.” suggested Brad.
“Make sure to look for food too while you’re exploring!” said Patrick Starfish.

They all nodded agreeing at these ideas. Now all the group had to figure out, was who would help do what during their time here in this strange place.

“Ok. So we have Doc Brown’s Repair-The-Train Team, Mike’s Explore Team, Scotty’s Building Team. Who will help what team?” asked Phoenix.

Me, I´m a hunter, Lorenzo said by grabbing a mace and goes over to mike

is hunting something I can eat? the starfish looked at still desolat lookingg spongebob
it´s dinner tme!
Yuppie, spongebob answers, Dinnner time,then he realized the desaster I´m definetly hungry, and if I´m hungry, I need food! he moans, the starfish does the same
Are you kidding, guys, no it´s not the time for jokes, we must overcome in this desaster, Lulu treats them like stubborn children, ok, she said loud enough to everybody making listen, who else is gonna go with the explorers? And whats about the other guys here, we are a group, to make it all work, everybody has to take part, so, now she looks at the rest of the 15 people still relaxing from the shok…

“Spongebob & Patrick, can u wait at least another hour?” @samuel_the_leader questioned those ‘impatient kids’, like Lulu described them. “Unless of course u wanna eat this:”

Meanwhile, Mike went up to Chester & was like, “Chaz, can u come with me for the hunt? Please???”

“Alright then, if Chaz ain’t goin’, I ain’t goin’!” Mike retorted after seeing Chester’s reaction.

The Joy of Power…

Finally Dave gave him Chester a new weapon for their HUnting Party:

But Brad bashed it to the ground. :frowning:

Dave gifts, Brad smashes.

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Lulu thought, how he get to handle these things right now, Lorenzo has gone on the hunt at least with Scotty and Doc Brown, the smoke of the cigarettes they burned was burnibg in the skies and buildt bridges, they came safe over the mountains, nit far away from the chrash, they overlifed right now. They saw a

Hey Scotty, go and beam the others all up, we found a camp, Doc Brown shouted to Scotty, Just a minute, Scotty answered, let me light another cigarette…

Lorenzo @ least sat down, o dio, cosa sucede qui, ma vavanculo, che merda…

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“Wait, so Lorenzo can speak Italiano?” @samuel_the_leader asked quizzitively. “No need to swear in Italiano. Che cosa finito è finito.” Actually I wasn’t clear about the bass guitar. Brad smashed the bass guitar already, before Phoenix gifted it to Chester.

seems to be smashed after giving it to chester, the poor giutar…
Brad seem to become more aggressive, the longer the storie´s continuing, second guitar smashed allready, thought Dave, what can I do for my buddie, he´s feeling kinda sorrow about his friend
Oh yes, he sad suddenly and shows his two

that he has always with himself, Ok, to calm down Buddie, you can choose one of my treasure, and

Brad laughes and Mike was joining in, sure it was an overreaction after all, but they laught again, till the pain was gone, tears running trough their faces…

Ok so meanwhile Lorenzo, Doc Brown, Scotty & @samuel_the_leader are at the exploration site. So @samuel_the_leader went and ask Lorenzo, “From that rock structure thing, where and what year are we in right now? Just now you were all, ‘Mama Mia! Fantastico! Perfecto!’ kind of hysteria, so what is the answer?”