Numb, 1 Billion Views?

YouTube view is up to 3,548,million now that just the last time I seen it missing chester voice so much.


You live in Ohio too?

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Yes @chigokurosaki. I do

Unexpected. But there are LP fans all over the world, so it could happen.

I don’t know and If we’re less than a hour apart I will go insane fwi Canton Ohio you)

Waverly ohio

Only a three hour drive but still how is that I would be only a few hours form a solider? That I don’t get @chigokurosaki

Life works in mysterious ways sometimes. Too bad we couldn’t get an event going in tribute to Chester like the one going on in London. Would be great.

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I wish I. Could go to London but it’s just so far but maybe me you and a few other soilders could work on a tribute for Chester a little closer to were we live @chigokurosaki

Would be something if that could happen. Unfortunately I don’t know anyone in person that loves LP as much as me as far as I know, but I may know a few people that might go.

There is only a few LP fans in my area, only a maximum of 10 that know the band.

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If only everyone loved LP as much as we do on here. The world might be a somewhat better place. I figure thats what Chester would want. For all of us to get along and love each other.




So I found this…


Numb is at 755 406 495 videos right now


So amazing i can’t believe it that much .

I think it goes up more than 100 thousand in views each day


You are. Right. Yeah in the the 3 weeks i have been doing this the View icount has. Rasied form 740 to. 755 million

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We should have no problem getting it to 1 billion by the end of the year then.


757 408 550 views for numb

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