Hey guys! I know Mike just announced his North American Tour dates, but it said the presale links were going to be under our account picture. The only one I see under mine is for San Diego and I don’t live anywhere near there. Is anyone else seeing this so I know it’s not a mistake?
Same here. I’m thinking they’ll get them up at some point today. I should be at the Boston Show.
I see San Diego also. I’m hoping to make it to the Dallas show!
Tomorrow (August 7) the Pre-Sale password will be under your Account photo
Right on! Finally! November is going to be awesome!
Mike in sf then TOP a few days after in Oakland
I need to move to California apparently… no Seattle show. I need to figure out where I am going to go see him because I am not missing this tour! Mike is definitely Making Chester Proud! Can’t wait to see him.
So happy for you guys
Moving to California would be nice. I’d like to myself.
Say what you say, but give me that bomb beat from Dre
Let me serenade the streets of L.A.
From Oakland to Sac-town, the Bay Area and back down
Cali is where they put their mack down; give me love!
I only see the San Diego presale code. Hopefully it will all be update tonight so I can get tickets tmr!! I’m nowhere near San Diego haha
Maybe the code still works for our venues?
Guys??? You have VIP packages on sale too - if I don’t win a m&g … I probably will be so crazy to… maybe… omg it’s exciting
Chigo and steph might have to move up their plans
I don’t have a presale code under my profile pic. I know some members are seeing theirs. Will it pop up tomorrow?
I am with everyone else on only seeing the SD pre-sale code in my account. I am not too worried about it. I believe tomorrow they will have other links. If nothing else, try that one.
I am hoping to score VIP tickets to see this man. Thank him for everything. It will be either NYC or Boston for me. Maybe NYC because it is a month earlier?
I would love to know what’s included in the VIP package. New York City looks like the place to be.
i am trying to figure out a way to see mike @framos1792 but he is not comming close enough to me and i have no money
Boston for me. Just want GA, can’t justify the VIP even if it’s a cool package.
I am psyched he added a Boston date.
Me too! It’s going to be great!
Looks to be fixed.
Buying a ticket for Chicago, can’t wait.