Next concert you're attending

March 4th Nightwish in Oulu

Hoping the LP tour dates will finally get announced!!!

My next concert is Rise Against on the 03.03. in Berlin Germany and then 1. June Rock am Ring Germany.

2 concerts of RED in April

Seeing a band called Yashin on the 24th March and then Black Veil Brides a week later, both in London :smiley:

Going to see Red Hot Chili Peppers on July 28th!!! :slight_smile:

lots of local bands soon, but apart from those. Parkway Drive april 6th, well, also march 3rd Tek-One

I’m going to Metallica on May 10th!!!

Ultra Vomit ( a French group) !!

ASP in my hometown in March this year. The only concert I have tickets for so far. Unbelievable!

Next LP show: Probably Pinkpop (if they’re getting announced at february 29
After that I’ll give Rock Werchter a visit :slight_smile:

Avenged Sevenfold Asian Tour 2012 \m/

Either any concert that’s not planned yet or Rock am Ring 2012! :slight_smile:

Ok not a “concert”…but I’m going to Global at Red Rocks in Colorado in July.

Evanescence on 27th and Foo Fighters on 2nd of March :slight_smile:

Rise against in san diego in april

LP, Nova Rock :slight_smile:

Not really a concert but more a party were their are multiple dubstep & drum&bass artist namely Circus Takeover on the 24th february & UKF Rampage on 3th march :smiley:

Lady gaga Born This Way Ball Hong Kong:):slight_smile:

L’arc en ciel world tour 2012, Jakarta-indonesia may 25h woohoooo so excited