My/her/his/your phone

I think Apple products are way too overpriced compared to what is already available in the market. Between Android and Apple, choose Android. It’s lesser of the two evil. (And i shall take hiding in a remote region after making this comment).
Also, AP are pretty convenient to use. People in fact find WP troublesome. Be brave, buy that stupid android phone, and have fun :wink:

I’m not going to sell my current phone, so if something will be wrong I will return to Lumia :smiley: but I don’t think so. After 4 years of using WP I’m a bit disappointed.

Exactly! Stupid android. I like it being that stupid. It doesn’t wanna be smarter than me. It’s the feeling of the total control over your device, which I won’t get, using IOS or WP.

(slowly rises up behind @amitrish) (dark cloud) (hits @amitrish with hammer)

Yeah iPhones are expensive I only got mine because me and my loser siblings switched phone services. ;D I was the first one to get my new phone that I deserved more than anyone :B and then… They copied off of me and took my phone color x.x

@TripleXero @samuel_the_leader @EvoOba @the_termin8r1 @Gatsie @amitrish @xTirea @minuteforce @Jabin_Quaken @BetyVia show more things about your phones ;D


Me, floflo and jordy as purple ppl. @dolcezarzamora @TripleXero

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There’s nothing left to show.

(shakes) show them D;

One of the most important things for me is multitasking. What do you guys love your phones for?

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I thought it was still a normal battery but there is a little swell on the bottom edge of battery…

this is my new walpaper… I like the logo, I like the colour of the logo… :slightly_smiling:

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Yeah nice color but man, for he life of me I cannot get behind that logo. I am not a fan of the lpu logo for the past 3 years now… ;-;

I still don’t know how to pull up two things at once on my phone ;-; I don’t even know if that is a such thing for me. But I’m alright with that :3

What I like about my phone is that I can type whenever I want. Having access to the internet is a plus so I can research whenever I want or look up other stuff. And also listening to music :3

I changed my lock and home screens, does that count?

Not sure what else there is to show really. But, I do love everything in my phone cause it’s basically a mini computer.


Absolutely nothing.[quote=“BetyVia, post:112, topic:12817”]
there is a little swell on the bottom edge of battery…

That might be your problem. Is there anyone in your house that has the same battery as you? If so, swap it out with theirs for a moment and see if your phone works then.

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@the_termin8r1 must be sick…he never has typos

(pulls out nursing stuff and mr. hammie)

We have a patient.

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LOL! Good catch :laughing: I’m somewhat of a grammar nazi so I usually skim over my posts to check for typos, this one slipped through.

Aha! I just remember that I have a friend at my office which has the same battery with me, but I forgot to take my phone today… Ok I will try to borrow her battery 2 or 3 days later… Thanks for the explanation… :slightly_smiling:

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