My/her/his/your phone

How many apps do you have on each slide?

Not like that picture, I only have a few on each page, I keep the rest in the folder thingie.

How many contacts do you have?

23, you? :3

34, but seeing them now, I need to delete a few.

How many of these contacts are in your favorites list?

I was going to ask that :3

Only one, my grandma. And you?

My dad and 3 friends.

How many places are in your weather app?

No clue, whatever is on default. I’ve never even opened it I just know that my area is on there automatically. Weather doesn’t hinder me and I don’t much care for it.

I’ve never messed with my weather app so I wouldn’t know… I rarely use the default apps on my phone.

iPhone users: do you use Siri?
Android users: do you talk to your phone for things?

I rarely use Siri, we normally ain’t on speaking terms…only to name music on the radio…

No I don’t, but only because it is not available in my country.
I’ve tried to speak to my tablet (Android) but it’s annoying af so I turned it off.

So, which default apps would you erase from your phone if you could? (iOS and Android)

All of them. Surprisingly I had a folder labeled ‘pure crap’ full of the undeletable garbage that came with my phone but it vanished at some point in the near past without me noticing until a week or so ago.

Kinda with @the_termin8r1 on this one… I wish there was a way when you first buy a phone to pick what default apps to be on your phone instead of all the stuff you are forced to stick with. I really don’t need a stock app or a iwatch when I don’t have one -.-

What was the last picture you took with your phone?

Cheat codes for Ratchet and Clank games from a wiki page.

How many pics do you have on your phone?

Am I the only one who wants to break their phone in half every time you are asked to update an app that you don’t want to update or don’t need to update or don’t even use?

All of my default apps on my iPhone basically are erased

And iPhones automatically update apps, and don’t ask to update, so I don’t have that problem

Most used feature that isn’t an app?

Music or camera in my case

Easy for you to say -.- that little red circle with the number of updates annoys me -.- and it remains here until I update.

The thingie I use the most and not an app is the camera.

Who was he last person you called? With me I’m not a phone person, but every Sunday at 3 I call my grandma and talk with her.

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Probs my dad so he can pick me up from college.

Do you troll telemarketers?

Do you not have this on?

Also the last person I called was a telemarketer because I didn’t know who called me. I hung up right away

I’m not sure and I’m still not sure what cellular data is… Is that the data to use the web and stuff when you don’t have wifi?

@the_termin8r1 and no lol, I just don’t answer -.-

Yes. You can set it to download automatically on WiFi only

No! I don’t wanna!!!

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