Make a wish- wish granted

It’s now even more ambitious:

I wish to exchange weather with @evooba. She is now living in cool and windy UK, and would surely miss her hometown’s heat. :stuck_out_tongue:

Real feel here is 39…She won’t miss it :slight_smile:

Granted when you exchange the weather you will have to move to another city

Sod off, you’re not having this nice, cool, gloomy weather. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m fine with the British weather, won’t change it for anything!

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I am fine with mine too :relaxed:

Real feel not accurate, back in February it apparently rose to this high:

What I’ve collated (on a day when the real feel was apparently this insane):

Then I’ll move to @theearlywalker’s city (she always joked that I moved into her city) :stuck_out_tongue:

I wish for ice-cream :stuck_out_tongue:

granted…your ice-cream is melted in this heat…have a hot ice-cream

Granted you will see it but you cannot eat it!!

I wish for a sea outside my house!

Granted, but it’s actually really a bad flood.

I wish for a lot of food right now.

Wish granted: A life long supply of unripe and rotten bananas

I wish for a bigger closet.

I wish to drink a yummy chocolate milkshake

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Granted, a group of people are throwing their expired/rotten food in front of you right now.

Edit: this is chaotic

Granted, you inherit a deceased old lady’s hundred-year-old rotting and mouldy closet (that is bigger no doubt).

It all leaks to the floor :stuck_out_tongue:

I wish for a dehumidifier.

Wish granted: a dehumidifier that sets itself on fire

I wish for pretty finger nail polish.

Granted you cannot apply it because is for fake nails only

I wish I could time travel

Granted, it is unremovable :stuck_out_tongue: (unless you rip off your nail of course)

I wish for a fire extinguisher. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wish granted: You are sent back to 1985 but Dr Brown and Marty McFly blew up the time machine and now you’re stuck there :smiley:

I wish for ice cream.

I was 2 years old back then!! i am fine with it :slight_smile:

Granted! There you go ice and cream!

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