LP tour UK **all threads merged here**

One week ago!


I think that’s cool as well. It’s great to know Chester did his research. I know from the messages to fans after the cancellation of the Manchester gig that I could see the band were saddened to have to cancel. Well at least myself and the family still get to see Linkin park but in a sunnier climate, lol.
It will be both my sons first real concert but I’m so greatfull as I still have children, many people lost their children in the Manchester attack.

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Brixton was amazing; I was right beneath Mike for a place for my head too. Everyone went nuts but tbh I did too. I was so excited that they played that song (and POA, as they missed them at the O2) and then to have Mike screaming it in my face was just amazing.

— On a serious note, if you’ve not already, you should report that person putting his hand in you pocket to the venue, or even to the police. They’ll not be able to do anything about it but they will keep a record; I know they police have recently had a campaign on the underground to encourage women to report these sorts of incidents. It’s not okay :frowning:

Does anyone have any photos from down the front at the O2 when Chester sang OML? He sang the last bit to my sister (and did that amazing scream right in front of us :star_struck:) It was too squashy to take a photo, and I just wanted to enjoy the moment, but there were so many people taking photos and was wondering if perhaps someone might have one of her (purple t-shirt and blonde hair).

Such a cool couple of days. Sad its all over for another few years!!

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I was the other side at brixton when they did place for my head but saw the footage of Mike going nuts on YouTube and it’s amazing! He looks like he’s really enjoying it.

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I was under Mike for APFMH too!!! Someone to the left of us recorded most of the Brixton concert


This is a super cool video, thanks to whoever took it!

And sorry I didn’t get to meet you guys when we were right by each other! Each time I see LP I think, I should make more of an effort to meet people, but I rarely do. Hopefully next time :smiley:

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Ah man… this hit it home “Such a cool couple of days. Sad it’s all over for another few years”

Is exactly it, hope we don’t have to wait for another album cycle, god I love this stuff.

For the Hunting Party, I was at Download when they did Hybrid theory and then on there tour I did both 02 shows back to back, was great just hanging out, seeing the fans each day and back then with the LPU since we had early entry and I had meet and greet the second day.

I go to quite a few shows, but there just isn’t an experience like this… I am going to save up and next time get a VIP package so get a meet and greet for sure and maybe some cool stuff.

But damn… it was a two and a half year gap, I’m going to be so old if it’s another 2 and a half years! haha. At least what great memories and such an honour to get to do things like this!


I bet that was an amazing experience for the hunting party cycle! I was watching some of the live performances from that album on YouTube today and looked so good live.

I’m hoping they’ll do a UK date somewhere before the next album! I agree 2/3 years seem farrr too long.


Just be glad they come here at least once every 2 years. Other people don’t get to see them that often or at all!

For Brixton I got there at 9:30.
Of course you don’t need to be there the whole day as you can go to the toilet, or shops or for a walk but, ya… if you really need the first row this is the way! =)
After all, It was worth it!

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I went to the o2 arena and I regret not going to Brixton one. But I had so much fun. I can say that this was the best gig ever. I was screaming and I have to admit that I cried for the first time in my life during Numb. This is my absolute favourite song as I can relate to it and hearing it live jyst made me cry big times. I was surprised myself.
And the memories… Chester sweating on me during Crawling… And the lack of voice the next day. I can’t wait for them to come back to the UK!


I can’t even bring myself to write on the RIP posts, so I’ve come here. I’m sure many of you are feeling the same pain that I am right now, and don’t know how to release it. I’m so angry and heartbroken right now, and I don’t think I’m fully taking it in. Each time I read the headline it shocks me like I’m reading it for the first time, and I just don’t think that I’ll be able to accept it for a long time.


I am crying for over two hours now. I feel like we should go and do something in his memory. Frack, I was just planning another gig! I was looking through my pictures on my phone and smiling. I have Chester’s pic on the wall by my bed. I am so heartbroken the words can’t even describe…

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I’m glad I got to see them for the first time before this tragedy.


I am absolutely with you Andrew, I keep re reading the news and Facebook etc and just not taking it in.

Those lyrics are so apt right now for how I feel.
“And your angry and you should be it’s not fair”
I know I didn’t know him, but I do feel angry. Not at him, not at all. I feel such heavy grief for him right now I can’t explain. I’m just so angry that he felt that bad to end it. He seemed like such a good sweet person, and obviously talented beyond belief. I’ve watched so many interviews recently and over the years of him talking about his depression, but he has always uplifted me so much when he speaks about it, in a funny way. Especially after a few he did the past few months, it really seemed like he was in a happier place.

I am just so so sad, I’m not sure reading about it is helping, and yet I can’t switch off my devices and be with my own thoughts right now.

Love to all the fans on here feeling similar things, and of course to his family :heart:


Who cares if one more light goes out?
In a sky of a million stars
It flickers, flickers
Who cares when someone’s time runs out?
If a moment is all we are
We’re quicker, quicker
Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well I do

I love you Chester. Rest in peace.

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Just so fucking broken. Nothing else worth saying right now

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Birmingham was Chester’s last gig :frowning:

I am so out of it right now. So emotionally drained. I have been crying then happy then crying again.

So sad that a true legend like Chester has passed away. A light that shone upon so many of us and helped us though the good and bad times.

I know this is cliche but remember Chester the way he lived and celebrate him and not the way or why he died.

If I am talking utter sh** then I am sorry. LP flows through my veins like many things in my life.

“I don’t like my Mind right now” :frowning: :frowning: crying


Hope u doing ok. I know it is not great at the moment.

I know what you mean. I want to turn off my devices.My phone, My laptop, My tablet. But in doing so I do not if I could cope with the constant thoughts in my head

Hey dude.

Feel for you man. And all my fellow LPuers :frowning: