Loudwire's Best Hard Rock Song of the 21st Century

Do you guys seriously believe this wasn’t set up? Still? lol

I’m open to the possibility rigging but I’m not exactly sure how you would rig a 70% vote. Do they have like their own bots that drop a vote for LP if somebody drops one for 3DG?

  1. There are apps that can vote for you, but I highly doubt anyone is willing to install them (and risk the security of their device).
  2. I doubt people have the time to just sit down and vote excessively all day. You must be really bored to do that.
  3. Is it a coincidence that In the End won? Days after it celebrated 16 years?

Hmmm, now who do I know that’s like that?..:thinking:

Jk. I thought you only get 1 vote. And isn’t loudwire a popular site?

I don’t know… I guess it is?

@evooba There was a whole Facebook group with over 33,000 members, me included :slight_smile: voting for them once every hour and all of us would share it. It wasn’t rigged. They almost lost to Green Day.

We agree to disagree.